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发布时间:2018-09-19 14:32
[Abstract]:There are many problems in the system of private prosecution because of the partial deviation in the legislative theory and the roughness of the legislative technology in our country. In the case of private prosecution, there are intricate relations between the right to appeal and the right of public prosecution, and there are conflicts between each other. Moreover, the criminal behavior is becoming more and more subtle and complex, and the ability of the victim to prosecute the crime is very limited. This poses a great challenge to the exercise of the right to appeal. What is important is that the disconnection between substantive law and procedural law is becoming more and more serious, which will lead to the private prosecution's rights can not be effectively protected. The scope of private prosecution cases will not be set up in the criminal procedure law of major countries in the world, but the scope of private prosecution cases has been set up separately in our criminal procedure law and judicial interpretation, which leads to the inconsistency between procedural law and substantive law. The key to solve this problem lies in how to coordinate the relationship between the right of public prosecution and the right of self-prosecution, and how to choose the suitable way under the condition of the coexistence of public prosecution and private prosecution, such as whether public prosecution can be carried out or not, if public prosecution is initiated. The question of whether the victim can still prosecute himself. However, the private prosecution system has not introduced new laws and regulations in China in recent years, but there are still many problems in the existing criminal private prosecution system, so this paper should go deep into these fundamental problems in the criminal private prosecution system. Systematic research and analysis, and put forward perfect suggestions to realize the practical significance of legislation itself.


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