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发布时间:2018-09-19 14:48
[Abstract]:The relevant interpretations of civil litigation in the legal and judicial level have expressed the civil filing registration system, both in substance and procedure, or in the coordinated system, which contains abundant and colorful connotations. The establishment of the registration system in China is a symbol of great progress in the process of our procedural law, which is an extremely critical system in the civil procedure law. The action of filing a case is the beginning of civil action. Once the judicial department files a case, it means that the proceedings are in full progress. The original civil filing system is defined as "filing and examining system" in the theoretical circle and daily life, and it is also the root of the difficulty for the parties to enter the judicial proceedings. The voice of reforming the filing system has been supported by theory and practice, so the change of civil filing system from filing examination to filing registration system is the progress of democracy and rule of law, and also the progress of respecting human rights and protecting people's right of action. The emergence of the civil registration system at the historic moment will alleviate the situation that has been widely discussed in society about the "difficulty of filing a case." since the implementation of the registration system, the number of civil cases has increased dramatically, and the people's enthusiasm has soared, which has greatly facilitated the mass litigation. It alleviated the litigants'tiredness and increased the number of cases. At the same time, there are also some problems in the implementation of the registration system, such as the explosion of litigation, the small number of cases, the heavier burden of judges, the increase of abuse of the right of action and so on. If these problems can not be solved well, not only can not promote the smooth development of the registration system, but also may lead to other social contradictions. By means of theoretical analysis, comparative study and empirical analysis, this paper focuses on the analysis of the relevance between the registration system and other systems, and finds out the inappropriateness of the original cohesive system under the registration system. In order to adjust and build the relevant system to promote the smooth implementation of the reform system. The main body of this paper is composed of the following three parts. The first part: first of all, we understand the civil registration system under the current situation of our country, and comprehensively analyze the background of the reform of the filing system and the necessity of the present filing and registration system. At the same time, the legal interpretation of the case-filing system to the registration system is also carried out. Secondly, the basic analysis of the system closely related to the registration system is carried out, in which the defense system, the judge interpretation system, the supervision system of the right of action and the docking system of litigation are taken as examples. And the registration and other linkage system is defined. The second part: analyze the existing problems in the reform of filing for less than two years. In this part, respectively from the legal level and the practical operational level to consider the registration system brought about by the problems, first from the theoretical level analysis of the causes of registration problems, and then summarized in the actual operation of contradictions. The third part: the conception of the malpractice derived from the registration system. From the angle of explanation system, supervision system and diversified dispute resolution mechanism, the author will expound how to perfect the connection system and promote the registration system to maximize its advantages. In this paper, the author hopes that through the in-depth analysis of the registration system, we can find the plight of the implementation of the registration system in China, and on this basis, the relevant departments to improve the civil registration system.


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