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发布时间:2018-09-19 15:21
[Abstract]:As an important link in the practice of criminal law, prison execution is not only the execution of punishment mechanically, but also the sociality that reflects the tense relationship between the punishment of criminal law in social life and the protection of human rights. Understanding prison execution by the social role of law and penalty has become the symbol of social civilization and penalty civilization. Similarly, the practice of reforming criminals in our country for a long time has proved that prison execution has an important cultural diffusion effect in the process of shaping a good social and humanistic environment. In the adjustment of our country's criminal law system, the status and role of prison execution is becoming more and more prominent. Accordingly, how to embody the sociality of prison execution and how to inherit the experience of prison execution on social development has become an important topic in promoting the overall construction of criminal law system in our country. However, in the development and practical demand of prison execution in China, there is a prominent problem in the sociality of prison execution, that is, boundary elasticity. The sociality of prison execution is the dual structure of criminal law and society. Therefore, to promote the realization of the value of crime prevention in criminal law and to conform to the characteristics of social development can also be regarded as the starting point to solve the above problems, and its important way is to give the social nature of prison execution with the words of rule of law. From the perspective of promoting the overall development of society, the legal adjustment of prison execution is brought into the legal structure of the whole social legal structure.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院;天津商业大学法学院;


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