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发布时间:2018-10-04 18:13
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture has caused a series of false and wrong cases in our judicial practice, and has seriously violated human rights. From the angle of human rights protection, based on the reality of protecting the rights of criminal suspects in our country, this paper studies and analyzes the problem of extorting confessions by torture, and on the basis of comparing the relevant legislation on torture and human rights in foreign countries, This paper studies the advanced experiences of foreign countries on the mechanism of anti-torture, and puts forward some countermeasures to curb the extortion of confessions by torture. The text is divided into five parts: the first part describes the definition and performance of extortion by torture. In reality, this part introduces Huugjilt, Xu Jirong and du Peiwu, which make people have a basic understanding of the wrongs caused by torture. The second part discusses the harm to human rights caused by extorting confessions by torture. Extorting confessions by torture is inextricably related to the protection of human rights. Extorting confessions by torture seriously infringes the dignity of human beings and to some extent damages the basic rights such as the right to health and the right to life of criminal suspects. Through the analysis of the great harm to the protection of human rights caused by extorting confessions by torture, the contradiction between the two is highlighted in reality, and the protection of human rights is put before our eyes as an important proposition. The third part discusses the reasons of extorting confessions by torture in China. It is mainly analyzed from the three aspects of ideology, legal system design and supervision mechanism, in order to lay an objective foundation for the later article to put forward the solution to curb the extortion of confessions by torture. The fourth part narrates the domestic and foreign legislation about anti-torture. This section mainly introduces the UN Convention against torture, the European Committee for the Prevention of torture, the European Court of Human Rights and the Committee of Ministers, the European Commission for the Prevention of torture, the European Commission against torture, the European Commission for the Prevention of torture, the European Court of Human Rights and the Committee of Ministers. It provides reference experience for the legislative perfection of our country. The fifth part is a few thoughts on curbing the extortion of confessions by torture. Based on the theoretical research of the previous articles and the actual situation in international judicial practice, the author has established the Committee against torture. In order to effectively reduce the phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture in our country, the author puts forward some feasible suggestions from three angles of the inspection system of detention place and the right of lawyers' intervention, and sets up a set of supervision and restriction mechanism to effectively reduce the phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture in our country. Through summing up the full text, the author thinks that in order to curb extortion by torture, we must take the human rights protection as the angle of view, draw lessons from the foreign legislative experience to re-examine the defects of our country's current legal system, protect human rights through perfecting the system, and prohibit the occurrence of extorting confessions by torture.


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