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发布时间:2018-10-05 11:37
【摘要】:“释明”是指法官在听取当事人辩论时,通过发问、提醒等方式,告知当事人在所提的诉讼资料中不明确、不完整的地方,并促使其改正和补充。民事审前程序中的法官释明指的是在审前程序中,法官发现当事人提出的诉讼资料,如起诉状、答辩状、提供的证据材料等存在不正确或不完整的地方,法官主动释明使之正确、完整,从而推动程序的进行。民事审前程序中的法官释明在主体、种类和不当行使后救济途径等方面区别于庭审中的法官释明。 时至今日,越来越多的国家重视民事审前准备程序制度的构建,从而推动了审前法官释明权的不断进步和完善。大陆法系国家设立和不断完善民事审前准备程序并扩张准备法官的权能和作用,英美法系国家为提高诉讼效率也加强了法院对民事审前准备程序的管理,由法官介入到当事人争点和证据的整理等等,这些措施的实质是为了维护双方当事人的合法权益,实现当事人公平而迅速的对决。在法官释明权的问题上,我国《民事诉讼法》并没有明文提及,只在司法解释中有个别的法律条文,法律效力不高。我国的民事诉讼审前程序并不完备,民事诉讼审前准备程序法官释明权的规定更是无从谈起,目前审前程序中法官释明权仍基本上处于无法可依的状态。 鉴于我国在民事审前程序中法官释明制度存在的缺陷,本文从建立完善的审前准备程序、完善审前程序中法官释明权的立法、在审前准备程序中建立救济不当释明的制度三个方面提出相应的建议。
[Abstract]:"explanation" means that the judge, when listening to the argument of the litigant, informs the litigant by means of asking questions and reminders that the litigant is not clear and incomplete, and urges him to correct and supplement it. The interpretation of the judge in the civil pretrial proceedings refers to the fact that in the pretrial proceedings, the judge finds that the litigant's litigant documents, such as the bill of complaint, the reply, the evidence provided, etc., are incorrect or incomplete, The judge took the initiative to make it correct and complete, thus promoting the proceeding of the procedure. The interpretation of the judge in the civil pretrial procedure is different from that in the trial in the aspects of the subject, the type and the remedy way after improper exercise. Nowadays, more and more countries attach importance to the construction of civil pretrial preparation procedure system, thus promoting the continuous progress and improvement of pretrial judges' right of interpretation. Civil pretrial preparation procedure has been established and perfected in civil law countries, and the competence and role of civil pretrial preparation judges have been expanded. In order to improve the efficiency of litigation, the courts have strengthened the management of civil pretrial preparation procedures in common law countries. The essence of these measures is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both parties and to achieve a fair and rapid confrontation between the parties. On the issue of the judge's right of interpretation, the Civil procedure Law of our country has not mentioned explicitly, only has the individual legal provisions in the judicial interpretation, the legal effect is not high. The pretrial procedure of civil action in our country is not complete, and the stipulation of the judge's right of interpretation in the procedure of preparing for the trial of civil action is not possible. At present, the right of interpretation of the judge is still basically in the state that can not be relied upon in the pretrial procedure. In view of the defects of the judge interpretation system in the civil pretrial procedure, this paper begins with the establishment of a perfect pretrial preparation procedure and the perfection of the legislation of the judge's interpretation right in the pretrial procedure. Three suggestions are put forward to establish the system of improper interpretation of relief in the pretrial preparation procedure.


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