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发布时间:2018-10-05 11:06
【摘要】:犯罪嫌疑人、被告人是否有罪、应被判处何罪、是否需要动用刑罚以及刑罚的具体适用等问题是我国刑事诉讼法的核心。刑法经历了从行为刑法到行为人刑法、人格刑法学的转变。后者是以对行为人自身的研究为出发点,从本质上来说,是对主体人身危险性状况的考量。起初,人身危险性还仅限于在刑罚个别化的层面上讨论随着人身危险性理论的引入,其对我国学界和司法领域的影响也逐渐扩大,但人身危险性评估难的问题也是制约其在实践中加以的应用的关键问题。白人格理论进入刑法研究领域,人格本身所具有的全面性、稳定性和可测性的特点,使其成为弥补人身危险性致命缺陷的“良药”。人格作为衡量人身危险性的重要表征,引入人格调查便可以有效解决人身危险性评估难和测定难的问题。 人格调查是一项重要的司法活动,在查明案件事实、落实保障人权以及预防犯罪等方面都发挥着重要作用。人格调查主体的确定无疑是保障人格调查制度在刑事案件中得以充分贯彻的核心和关键。调查主体适格与否直接影响着调查报告的真实性和可靠性,决定着人格调查目的和价值的实现程度。然而,截止目前我国刑事案件人格调查主体的确定问题一直没有得到落实,立法规定模糊,司法实践混杂是主体现状的真实写照。因此,研究我国刑事案件主体的确定和完善,对人格调查在我国的贯彻和落实有很重要的意义。 本文共分四部分。 第一部分,首先从立法和司法实践两方面论述我国刑事案件人格调查主体存在的问题,并对其形成原因和消极影响进行了分析 第二部分,从人格调查目的、内容、作用范围及启动时间等多方面论述我国刑事案件调查主体应当具备的多方面条件,并对各项条件之内涵、重要性、存在原因等进行详细论述。 第三部分,结合调查主体的资格条件,对我国目前争议较大的几类主体进行深入分析。主要针对法院、辩护人、控方、社会团体和司法行政机关进行具体的优劣势分析。 第四部分,论述我国刑事案件人格调查主体的确定与完善。首先,明确由司法行政机关内部设专门机构作为调查工作的承担主体,同时扩大调查工作的委托主体范围。其次,从调查立法、队伍建设、工作监督及保障等方面尝试对调查主体的完善提出意见和建议。
[Abstract]:The core of our criminal procedure law is whether the criminal suspect or defendant is guilty, what crime should be sentenced, whether the penalty should be used and the specific application of the penalty. Criminal law has experienced the transformation from behavior criminal law to actor criminal law and personality criminal law. The latter is based on the study of the perpetrator itself and, in essence, the consideration of the subject's personal dangerousness. At first, personal dangerousness was limited to the discussion on the level of individualization of punishment. With the introduction of the theory of personal risk, the influence of personal dangerousness on the academic and judicial fields of our country gradually expanded. But the difficult problem of personal risk assessment is also the key problem that restricts its application in practice. White personality theory has entered the research field of criminal law, and personality itself has the characteristics of comprehensiveness, stability and testability, which makes it a "good medicine" to remedy the fatal defect of personal dangerousness. Personality as an important representation of personal dangerousness, the introduction of personality investigation can effectively solve the problem of personal risk assessment and measurement. Personality investigation is an important judicial activity, which plays an important role in finding out the facts of cases, implementing the protection of human rights and preventing crime. The confirmation of personality investigation subject is undoubtedly the core and key to ensure the full implementation of personality investigation system in criminal cases. The suitability of the subject of investigation directly affects the authenticity and reliability of the investigation report and determines the realization of the purpose and value of personality investigation. However, until now, the determination of the subject of personality investigation in criminal cases in China has not been carried out, the legislative provisions are vague, the judicial practice is mixed is the true portrayal of the subject's present situation. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the determination and perfection of the subject of criminal cases in our country. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the problems existing in the personality investigation of criminal cases in our country from the aspects of legislation and judicial practice, and analyzes the causes and negative effects of the investigation. The second part analyzes the purpose and content of the personality investigation. The scope of action and the starting time of criminal cases are discussed in this paper, and the connotation, importance and reasons of each condition are discussed in detail. In the third part, combined with the qualification conditions of the subject, the author makes a deep analysis of some controversial subjects in our country. Mainly for the courts, defenders, prosecution, social organizations and judicial administration of specific strengths and weaknesses. The fourth part discusses the determination and perfection of personality investigation in criminal cases in China. First of all, it is clear that a specialized agency should be set up within the judicial administrative organ as the main body of investigation, and the scope of the entrusted subject of investigation should be expanded at the same time. Secondly, from the aspects of investigation legislation, team construction, work supervision and guarantee, this paper tries to put forward suggestions on the perfection of investigation subject.


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