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发布时间:2018-10-05 21:39
【摘要】:1979年,小额诉讼程序作为一种新的民事诉讼制度在美国产生。由于市场经济的发展,人民法制意识的不断提高,法院受理案件数量猛增,负担无形加重,导致案件审理积压、诉讼迟延以及成本费用的攀升等一系列问题。民事案件井喷式的增长,使得现有的民事诉讼程序无法满足诉讼当事人对案件进行高效审理的需求。为了更好的缓解日益增长的案件给基层人民法院带来的压力,提高办案效率。最高人民法院在进行充分调研后,于2011年3月21日在北京、广东、甘肃、福建等13个省、直辖市近90个基层法院开展小额速裁工作试点。2012年新修订的《民事诉讼法》第162条对小额诉讼进行了规定:基层人民法院和它的派出法庭审理符合本法第157条第1款规定的简单的民事案件,标的额为各省、自治区、直辖市上年度就业人员年平均工资百分之三十以下的,实行一审终审。 就目前来看,虽然小额诉讼程序在《民事诉讼法》第162条中以法条的方式进行确立,但单薄的法条根本无法代替小额诉讼程序在民事诉讼制度层面的完整性。本文的选题背景:2011年,最高人民法院在北京、甘肃等90个基层法院开展小额速裁试点时,嘉峪关市人民法院作为90个试点的基层法院之一,成立了专门的速裁庭,审理速裁案件。2013年1月1日起新修订《民事诉讼法》开始实施后,速裁庭继续审理小额诉讼案件。笔者作为小额速裁庭的成员,全程参与2012年和2013年小额诉讼案件的审理,掌握一手的案件数据。本文通过对我院2012年-2013年小额速裁试点时及《民事诉讼法》正式实施后小额诉讼案件审理情况进行调研,从立法层面和司法实践中对案件实行情况存在的问题进行例举,分析问题产生的原因,并对完善小额诉讼程序提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:In 1979, as a new civil litigation system, small claims procedure came into being in the United States. Due to the development of market economy and the constant improvement of people's consciousness of legal system, the number of cases accepted by the court has increased sharply and the burden has been increased, which has led to a series of problems, such as the backlog of cases, the delay in litigation and the rising cost and expenses. Because of the growth of civil cases, the existing civil procedure can not meet the needs of the litigants to deal with the cases efficiently. In order to relieve the pressure of increasing cases and improve the efficiency of handling cases. After conducting full investigation and investigation, the Supreme people's Court held 13 provinces in Beijing, Guangdong, Gansu, and Fujian on March 21, 2011. Article 162 of the newly revised Civil procedure Law in 2012 stipulates that the trial of small claims by the grassroots people's courts and their dispatched courts conforms to the provisions of Article 157 of this Law. A simple civil case under paragraph 1, The target amount for provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities on the annual average annual wage of employees below 30%, the implementation of the first instance final. At present, although the small claims procedure is established in the form of articles 162 of the Civil procedure Law, the weak law can not replace the integrity of the small claims procedure at the level of the civil litigation system. Background of this paper: in 2011, when the Supreme people's Court carried out a small trial of quick adjudication in 90 grass-roots courts such as Beijing and Gansu, the people's Court of Jiayuguan City, as one of the 90 pilot grass-roots courts, set up a special court for quick adjudication. After the implementation of the newly amended Code of Civil procedure on January 1, 2013, the court of adjudication continued to hear minor cases. As a member of the small court of adjudication, the author participated in the trial of small claims in 2012 and 2013, and grasped the primary case data. Based on the investigation of the trial of small amount litigation cases in our hospital from 2012 to 2013 and after the formal implementation of the Code of Civil procedure, this paper gives an example of the problems existing in the implementation of the cases from the legislative level and the judicial practice. This paper analyzes the causes of the problems and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the small-sum litigation procedure.


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