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发布时间:2018-10-08 09:01
[Abstract]:The standardized and strict leniency system is one of the basic conditions to maintain the legality of the leniency system. The interpretation of the lenient punishment norms in cases of plea of guilt in overseas representative countries can be divided into the "unlimited mode" of the United States and the United Kingdom. The scale model of Germany, the demarcation of different models is closely related to the diversity of the country's rapid processing of plea cases. On the basis of comparison and reference, we should establish a mixed system model of lenient treatment in the future reform in order to meet the urgent need of optimizing power allocation in criminal justice field and lightening the burden of handling cases. The reform plan should appropriately enrich the connotation and types of lenient punishment, while scientifically designing leniency ratio and its limits, and standardizing the interactive influence of procuratorial power and judicial power in the aspect of penalty leniency and discretion. To highlight the key role of judicial review and supervision, to balance the rights and obligations of the subjects, such as prosecution and defense and victims, as well as their participation relations, we should not only mobilize the enthusiasm of guilty pleas but also guarantee the deterrent power of punishment.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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