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发布时间:2018-10-08 21:55
【摘要】:财产保全担保是指利害关系人或当事人在起诉前或起诉过程中请求法院保全对方财产时,防止申请错误给对方造成损失,申请人同时要向法院提供的担保。财产保全担保是我国民事立法中的重要组成部分,在我国审判实践中发挥的作用日益凸显。而担保物权同样也具有担保的性质,它保障了债权人的合法权益能够得到实现。 因为同样具有担保性质,一个是民事诉讼程序中的担保,一个是民事实体法中的担保,在司法实践中这两种担保的客体经常因为相同而发生冲突,即在已提供财产保全担保的物上再设定担保物权或者在负担有担保物权的财产上再提供财产保全担保,因而给司法实践造成困境,同时也不利于当事人或债权人合法权益的保护,故本文选取了财产保全担保与担保物权的冲突为研究对象。本文首先对财产保全担保和担保物权的冲突进行了理论分析,其次通过笔者自身的实习经历阐述了青岛法院对财产保全担保措施的具体做法,分析了存在的不足及二者冲突对我国现实环境的冲击,最后针对二者冲突提出了相应的解决措施。 除引言和结论外,本文由四部分构成。 第一部分是基本概念阐述,着重研究了财产保全担保和担保物权的内涵以及在性质、主体及主体间的法律关系、担保目的和方式、风险等四个方面的区别等基本理论问题。 第二部分从理论上分析了财产保全担保和担保物权冲突的具体表现,包括在已提供财产保全担保的物上再设定担保物权和在负担有担保物权的财产上再提供财产保全担保两个层面。 第三部分以实证研究的方法,选取青岛法院对于财产保全担保的司法实践作为素材,提出了相关观点,并进一步从宏观层面分析了财产保全担保和担保物权冲突对我国现实环境造成的影响。 第四部分在结合第二部分和第三部分的基础上,借鉴国外的一些经验,针对财产保全担保和担保物权的冲突提出了一些个人的见解。
[Abstract]:Property security is the guarantee that the interested person or the parties request the court to preserve the other party's property before or in the process of suing, and the applicant should provide the guarantee to the court at the same time. Property security is an important part of civil legislation in our country and plays an increasingly important role in our country's trial practice. And security interest also has the nature of security, it guarantees the creditor's legitimate rights and interests can be realized. Because of the same nature of security, one is in civil proceedings, the other is in civil substantive law. In judicial practice, the object of these two guarantees often conflicts because of the same. That is to say, the creation of a security interest on the property that has provided security for the preservation of property or the provision of security in the property bearing the secured right, thus causing difficulties to the judicial practice, At the same time, it is not conducive to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties or creditors, so this paper chooses the conflict between the property preservation security and the security interest as the research object. This paper firstly analyzes the conflict between the property security and the security interest, and then through the author's own practice experience expounds the specific measures of the Qingdao court to the property preservation security measures. This paper analyzes the deficiency and the impact of the two conflicts on the real environment of our country, and finally puts forward the corresponding measures to solve the conflict. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, this paper consists of four parts. The first part is the basic concept, focusing on the property preservation security and security interest in the connotation and in the nature of the subject and the legal relationship between the subject, the purpose and manner of security, risk and other four aspects of the basic theoretical issues. The second part theoretically analyzes the concrete manifestation of the conflict between the property preservation security and the security interest. It includes two levels: the creation of security interest in the property which has provided security for property preservation and the provision of security in property bearing security right. In the third part, the author chooses Qingdao court's judicial practice of property preservation security as the material, and puts forward some related viewpoints. Furthermore, it analyzes the impact of the property preservation guarantee and the security interest conflict on the real environment of our country from the macro level. On the basis of the second part and the third part, the fourth part draws lessons from some foreign experiences and puts forward some personal opinions on the conflict of property preservation security and security interest.


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