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发布时间:2018-10-10 13:01
[Abstract]:Discipline inspection and supervision organ is one of the anti-corruption organizations in our country, and is in the leading core position in the anti-corruption system. Evidence is needed, both in violation of discipline and in violation of discipline. Evidence is a powerful weapon to prove any violation of discipline. Discipline inspection evidence is evidence of violation of discipline, criminal evidence is illegal evidence, according to the different functions of discipline inspection and supervision organs and procuratorial organs to collect evidence in different ways. Under the new general situation of the current anti-corruption struggle, with the continuous improvement and perfection of the cooperation mechanism between discipline inspection and procuratorial organs in handling cases, evidence is often handed over to each other. In the case of procuratorial organs transferred to discipline inspection and supervision organs, According to the case materials and evidence materials transferred by the judicial organs, discipline inspection and supervision organs almost accept the information, and there is no question of evidence conversion. However, the documents and evidence materials transferred by discipline inspection and supervision organs to procuratorial organs cannot be transformed into criminal evidence smoothly, but can only be transformed through multiple discriminations and distinctions. For several years, experts and scholars have been studying how disciplinary evidence can be transformed into criminal evidence. The reason why the evidence can not be transformed smoothly is that the law prescribes more strict norms of criminal evidence, and no one can surpass the authority of the law. As discipline inspection and supervision organ is not the subject of evidence collection stipulated by law and restricted by laws and regulations, discipline inspection evidence can not be transformed into criminal evidence smoothly. This article continues to discuss the problems in the conversion of evidence. The first part of this paper discusses the evidence of discipline inspection and supervision. This part includes the concept, content and form of discipline inspection and supervision evidence. At the same time, it discusses the concept, content and form of criminal evidence, as well as the difference between criminal evidence and discipline inspection evidence. The second part mainly analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the transformation of discipline inspection and supervision evidence into criminal evidence. This part includes the important role that discipline inspection and supervision evidence plays in judicial activities, and proves the necessity of transforming discipline inspection and supervision evidence into criminal evidence through reverse thinking. And the reform of supervision system in our country has further promoted the process of transforming discipline inspection and supervision evidence into criminal evidence. This is one of the key points of this paper. The third part analyzes the current situation and reasons of the transformation of disciplinary inspection evidence into criminal procedure evidence. This part is mainly to prove the difficulty of transforming discipline inspection and supervision evidence into criminal evidence, and the criminal evidence mainly lies in physical evidence and verbal evidence. The fourth part mainly studies the countermeasures of the problems existing in the transformation of discipline inspection and supervision evidence into criminal evidence. This part mainly inspects and supervises the evidence and the criminal evidence transformation needs the countermeasure. At the same time, we can refer to the practice of Hong Kong and Macao to improve our domestic evidentiary capacity.


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