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发布时间:2018-10-11 19:27
【摘要】:随着未成年人犯罪形势的日趋严峻,亟需构建一个较全面的法律体系,使未成年人权益得到充分的保护。在未成年人犯罪的领域中,未成年人参与的共同犯罪日益增多。因此,关于涉及未成年人共同犯罪的审判程序成为学界研究的焦点,未成年人刑事案件分案审理制度的诞生,对于我国少年司法制度的建设起到促进作用。未成年人刑事案件分案审理是指涉及未成年人的共同犯罪案件,由不同的审判组织适用不同的审判程序进行分案审理,最后依法作出两份判决书的审判程序。 本文由五章组成,第一章主要研究分案审理的内涵以及其理论分析,对未成年人刑事案件分案审理制度进行初步的探析。第二章研究未成年人分案审理的主体,立足我国的立法与现状,通过对比域外的审理机构模式,发现问题以完善我国的审理机构主体。第三章研究未成年人刑事案件分案审理的范围,分析我国的立法现状,,并对域外分案审理制度进行剖析,提出构建分案审理范围的建议。第四章围绕未成年人刑事案件分案审理的诉讼权利保障问题进行研究,保护诉讼参与人在诉讼过程中的权益,有利于实现未成年人审判程序的实体公正与程序公正。第五章探讨未成年人分案审理后并案审理的程序设计,以期弥补法律空白,完善未成年人审判程序。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly serious situation of juvenile delinquency, it is urgent to construct a comprehensive legal system to protect the rights and interests of minors. In the field of juvenile delinquency, the number of joint crimes involving minors is increasing day by day. Therefore, the trial procedure involving the joint crime of minors has become the focus of academic research, and the birth of juvenile criminal cases divided trial system plays a role in promoting the construction of juvenile justice system in our country. The trial of juvenile criminal cases refers to the joint crime cases involving minors. Different trial organizations apply different trial procedures to separate cases and finally make two judgments according to the law. This paper is composed of five chapters. The first chapter mainly studies the connotation and theoretical analysis of split trial, and makes a preliminary analysis of juvenile criminal case trial system. The second chapter studies the subject of juvenile divided trial, based on the legislation and current situation of our country, through the contrast of the foreign trial organization model, find out the problem in order to perfect the main body of our country's trial institution. The third chapter studies the scope of juvenile criminal cases, analyzes the current legislative situation of our country, analyzes the system of extra-territorial split cases, and puts forward some suggestions to construct the scope of divided cases. The fourth chapter focuses on the protection of the procedural rights of juvenile criminal cases in separate cases, to protect the rights and interests of the participants in the proceedings, which is conducive to the realization of substantive justice and procedural justice of the juvenile trial procedure. The fifth chapter discusses the procedure design of juvenile trial in order to make up for the legal gap and perfect the juvenile trial procedure.


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