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发布时间:2018-10-12 14:13
[Abstract]:In order to prevent and overcome the frequent occurrence of false and wrong cases, improve judicial credibility, establish and maintain judicial authority, the Central Committee decided to promote the judicial system reform centered on trial. This paper attempts to study the problems in the relationship between investigation and appeal litigation, which has been formed in our country for a long time, which is reflected by the mode of investigation and appeal litigation, explores the path of the reform of the litigation system with trial as the center, and clarifies the connotation of the concept. This paper clarifies the reform requirements and puts forward some reform suggestions for the construction of a new type of investigative litigation relationship.
【作者单位】: 广西壮族自治区人民检察院法律政策研究室;最高人民法院中国应用法学研究所;中国社会科学院法学所;广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区人民检察院;


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