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发布时间:2018-10-13 12:39
[Abstract]:Article 26, paragraph 2, of the new Administrative procedure Law establishes the system of co-defendants. However, from the current situation of implementation, due to the distribution of the burden of proof between the co-defendants, the plaintiff does not accept the decision of the appellee at the same time there is still a lack of perfect operational rules, which brings difficulties to judicial practice. Therefore, it is urgent to perfect the operation rules. To perfect the operation rules is to respond to the needs of the current judicial practice, which is unquestionable and necessary. In the long run, however, the system of co-defendants of reconsideration organs deviates from the principle of procedural law of disposition right doctrine and the principle of "collecting evidence first and ruling later". And it may encourage the speculative tendency that the reconsideration organs do not act or refuse to accept the reconsideration application, so its development prospect is not optimistic and should gradually withdraw from the stage of history.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学法学院;


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