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发布时间:2018-10-14 11:40
【摘要】:近年来我国突发事件频发,如何增强突发事件应急处置能力,完善突发事件中应急征用补偿等问题亟待研究解决。我国突发事件应急征用类法律规范规定还不够完善,应急征用补偿没有得到应有的重视。虽然《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》已正式施行,并提到有关人民政府及其部门为应对突发事件,可以征用单位和个人的财产。大部分省级地方人大、政府也制定了相应的突发事件地方应对条例或实施办法,较《突发事件应对法》规定详细具体,但操作性仍然不强。在这种背景下,笔者搜集、整理57部应急征用类的法律规范,运用规范分析方法论证其中存在的问题,并尝试提出可行的解决方案与完善路径。 本文主要内容分为三个部分: 第一部分,突发事件中应急征用的基本理论。行政征用分为常态征用和应急征用。应急征用有别于常态征用,主要表现在适用条件,时效要求、程序要求以及行政相对人权利克减的程度。这些不同点使得应急征用需遵循特别的要求,如突发事件发生,以公共利益为导向等。通过应急征用补偿,最终实现行政相对人利益和公共利益的平衡,规范政府应急权力,维护社会稳定。 第二部分,突发事件中应急征用补偿存在的问题。运用规范分析方法,分析57部应急征用类的法律、法规以及规章,论证应急征用补偿中存在的主要问题。这些问题具体表现在:补偿主体不明确,规定多个补偿主体导致责权不一致以及缺失补偿主体;补偿原则与标准模糊,近一半的法律规范规定“应予补偿”、“依有关规定补偿”等;补偿程序规定缺失,导致应急征用随意性过强,事后补偿申请困难;补偿资金得不到保障,,地方政府预算达不到法定要求;行政相对人救济途径不完善,救济途径有限。 第三部分,完善突发事件中应急征用补偿的对策。重点从制度入手,明确“谁征用,谁补偿”原则,解决补偿主体的界定;确立“公平”补偿原则,补偿行政相对人的直接损失;借鉴国外立法经验以及国内地方性法规、规章,细化应急征用补偿程序;在提高地方政府预算费的同时拓宽筹资渠道,保障补偿经费;通过行政调解与司法调解等途径,解决应急征用补偿中的争议。借助这一系列措施,探索建立科学合理的应急征用补偿制度。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the problems of how to enhance the ability of emergency response and how to perfect the compensation for emergency requisition are urgent to be solved. The law and regulations of emergency requisition in our country are not perfect, and the compensation for emergency requisition has not received due attention. Although the Law on Emergency response of the people's Republic of China has been formally implemented, it is mentioned that the relevant people's governments and their departments may expropriate the property of units and individuals in response to emergencies. Most provincial people's congresses and the government have also formulated the corresponding regulations or implementation measures for local emergency response, which are more detailed and specific than the provisions of the Emergency response Law, but the operation is still not strong. Under this background, the author collects and arranges 57 laws and regulations of emergency requisition, proves the existing problems by normative analysis method, and tries to put forward feasible solutions and perfect ways. The main content of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part, the basic theory of emergency requisition. Administrative requisition is divided into normal requisition and emergency requisition. Emergency expropriation is different from normal expropriation, which is mainly manifested in applicable conditions, limitation requirements, procedural requirements and the degree of derogation of administrative counterpart's rights. These differences make emergency requisition subject to special requirements, such as emergencies, public interest oriented and so on. By means of emergency requisition compensation, the balance between the interests of the administrative counterpart and the public interests is finally realized, the government emergency power is standardized, and social stability is maintained. The second part, the emergency requisition compensation in the emergency problems. In this paper, 57 laws, regulations and rules of emergency requisition are analyzed, and the main problems in emergency requisition compensation are demonstrated. These problems are embodied in the following aspects: the compensatory subject is not clear, the stipulation of multiple compensatory subjects leads to the inconsistency of responsibility and power, and the compensation principle and standard are vague, and nearly half of the legal norms stipulate that "compensation shall be compensated". "compensation according to relevant regulations", etc.; the lack of compensation procedures leads to excessive arbitrariness in emergency requisition and difficulty in applying for compensation afterwards; compensation funds are not guaranteed and local government budgets fail to meet the statutory requirements; The administrative counterpart relief way is not perfect, the relief way is limited. The third part, consummates the emergency requisition compensation countermeasure. Starting with the system, we should clarify the principle of "who requisition, who compensate", solve the definition of compensation subject, establish the principle of "fair" compensation, compensate the direct loss of administrative counterpart, draw lessons from foreign legislative experience and domestic local laws and regulations. The procedure of emergency requisition compensation should be refined; while the local government budget fee should be raised, the channels of raising funds should be widened, and the compensation funds should be guaranteed. The disputes in emergency requisition compensation should be resolved through administrative mediation and judicial mediation. With the help of this series of measures, this paper explores the establishment of a scientific and reasonable system of compensation for emergency requisition.


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