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发布时间:2018-10-14 13:38
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, criminal activities are becoming more intelligent, more scientific and more complicated. Therefore, informant investigation, an ancient and effective means, once again became the love of investigative organs. The informant is the person who, out of the will, secretly provides the case clue or information to the investigating organ in order to obtain the corresponding benefit in the criminal case. At present, criminal behavior is becoming more and more covert and has a trend beyond traditional ones. Previous investigative techniques can no longer meet the needs of the detection of contemporary cases. Informants can be used to obtain criminal evidence and criminal information in related cases. It plays an irreplaceable role in the investigation of criminal cases. However, at present, the investigation system of informants in our country is almost blank in legislation. Only a document issued by the Ministry of Public Security in 1984 has similar provisions. The new Criminal procedure Law also makes a vague reference to this. This makes the use of informants in judicial practice in our country out of confusion, mainly reflected in the lack of legal concepts, the non-standard use of informants, and the lack of protection of informants, of course. There are some blind spots in the design of legal procedure, which is not conducive to the punishment of crime and the protection of human rights. Therefore, combined with the advanced experience of foreign countries, this article mainly from the outline of the investigation system of informants, the investigation of the investigation system of foreign informants, the problems existing in the investigation system of informants in our country and the aspects from which to build and perfect.


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