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发布时间:2018-10-14 19:15
【摘要】:2013年11月9日,在第十八届三中全会的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》文件中,提出了废止我国劳动教育制度,健全我国社区矫正等监外执行制度。这要求我们在对我国刑罚执行制度的创新方面应该与时俱进,创造出更有高度、深度的刑罚执行配套体系,也是我国人权进步的体现。监外执行是我国刑罚执行方式的一种,是指依据法律、法规等有关规定,国家法定机关作出管制、缓刑、假释、剥夺政治权利、暂予监外执行的判决、裁定和决定,由执行机关执行的刑罚执行活动。那么在运用法律的手段使其受到制裁之后,如何监管,帮助监外矫正对象完成改造,使其更好更快的融入社会是本文选择该题的最主要的研究意义。通过对有关资料进行的梳理,,我认为关于监外执行制度的完善这个课题,在理论和实践上值得我们进一步研究和完善。因此,本文将我国监外执行制度的完善作为论文选题进行研究,对比国内外监外执行,探讨我国监外执行方式的现状、不足,并分析其成因,提出相应的措施,希望能通过这些研究对完善我国监外执行法律制度有所帮助。 本文共分为六个部分:第一章导论部分简要介绍了选题的缘起、案例分析、目的、文献综述及其研究方法与路线。第二章简要概述监外执行制度,讲述监外执行的历史发展与概念,找出其理论根基与优点,同时结合监外执行的目的和特征、意义,给下面的论述做好理论铺垫。第三章阐述了目前我国监外执行相关实践,结合我国监外执行工作进展状况揭示存在的问题及相关前景。第四章对国外监外执行现状进行分析,找出其可借鉴之处。对当前国外监外执行法律监督现状进行了分析,对法律监督模式的选择进行了探讨,通过对众多学者研究成果的参考与吸收,找出符合我国国情的相关制度,以便于运用于我国监外执行的实践,使之更加完善。第五章是笔者对完善我国监外执行制度的展望与设想,从思想意识、立法、管理制度层面提出相关建议和对策。第六章对全文进行了归纳结论。
[Abstract]:On November 9, 2013, in the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on deepening the Reform in an All-round way" of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, it was proposed to abolish the labor education system of our country and improve the system of execution outside the prison such as community correction in our country. This requires us to keep pace with the times in the innovation of our penalty execution system, to create a higher and deeper penalty execution supporting system, which is also the embodiment of the progress of human rights in our country. Execution outside prison is a form of execution of criminal penalties in our country. It refers to judgments, rulings and decisions made by the state's statutory organs on control, probation, parole, deprivation of political rights, and temporary execution outside prison in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws, regulations, etc. The execution of a penalty by an executive organ. Then how to supervise and help the object to complete the reform and integrate it into the society better and faster is the most important research significance of this paper after using the means of law to make it subject to punishment. Through combing the relevant data, I think that the improvement of the system of execution outside the prison is worth our further study and perfection in theory and practice. Therefore, this paper studies the perfection of the system of external execution in our country, compares the implementation of outside prison at home and abroad, probes into the present situation and deficiency of the mode of external execution in our country, and analyzes its causes, and puts forward the corresponding measures. It is hoped that these studies will be helpful to improve the legal system of enforcement outside our country. This paper is divided into six parts: the first chapter introduces the origin of the topic, case analysis, purpose, literature review and research methods and routes. The second chapter gives a brief overview of the outside execution system, describes the historical development and concept of the external execution, finds out its theoretical foundation and advantages, and combines the purpose and characteristics, significance of the outside execution, and makes a good theoretical foundation for the following discussion. The third chapter expounds the current practice of outside execution in China, and reveals the existing problems and related prospects combined with the progress of external execution in China. The fourth chapter analyzes the status quo of foreign execution and finds out its reference. This paper analyzes the current situation of the legal supervision outside foreign countries, probes into the choice of the mode of legal supervision, and finds out the relevant system which accords with the national conditions of our country through the reference and absorption of many scholars' research results. In order to facilitate the use of our country outside the practice of execution, make it more perfect. The fifth chapter is the author to perfect our country outside the prison execution system prospect and the tentative plan, from the ideological consciousness, the legislation, the management system stratification level related suggestion and the countermeasure. Chapter six sums up the full text.


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