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发布时间:2018-10-14 20:46
[Abstract]:The empirical investigation shows that in the investigation practice of bribery crime in our country, the pattern of using the person under investigation as a witness to make a breakthrough in the initial investigation stage has been formed, and most of the investigated persons have made a confession before filing the case, and have achieved good investigation results. It has become one of the main modes of detecting this kind of crime. The internal causes lie in the short time of legal interrogation, the lack of effective means to control the personal freedom of criminal suspects for a long time, and the strict control of filing a case in practice. However, it faces abuse of witness procedure, control of the person's personal freedom for too long, fatigue trial and other legitimate questions. In practice, it is necessary to perfect the model, including strictly limiting the time of questioning, asking witnesses to provide clues for the breakthrough and not directly for the breakthrough, at the same time, we should ensure the voluntary nature of witnesses' statements, adjust the standard of filing, etc.
【作者单位】: 江西财经大学;江西省贵溪市人民检察院;


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