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发布时间:2018-10-15 13:34
【摘要】:交叉诉讼以多数当事人制度为形式要件,以诉和诉的合并为理论基础,实现共同当事人之间,可能存在的后续纠纷与本诉在同一司法程序中一并审理,以使有牵连关系的系列纠纷一次性解决彻底解决,促进民事诉讼公正、效率价值的进一步实现,保障公平正义,实现社会和谐。 论文的研究思路,首先对交叉诉讼进行理论上的定义与剖析,分析交叉诉讼的理论支点、价值追求,从交叉诉讼的结构模式角度,对交叉诉讼有了较为全面的认识。再将视野扩展到域外,了解美国交叉请求在一次性纠纷解决为原则的指导下,程序的立法规制和在司法中运用的现状,发现其在完善我国交叉诉讼及相关制度上的启示与借鉴;其次,从真实案例入手,综合分析我国“一案”审理中遇见的困惑和制度缺陷。发现一次性纠纷解决必要性,思考如何以制度保障实现纠纷在同一诉讼程序中解决。随后审视我国的立法现状,我国仅有部分一次性纠纷解决的程序保障,如共同诉讼、第三人制度和反诉。其中不足部分——交叉诉讼,在法律中也有初步探索,明确规定了可以“一并判决”但是没有明确规定诉和诉的程序。通过第二部分的研究,笔者认为建立交叉诉讼的必要性和可行性已经具备。最后,笔者建议在我国多数当事人制度基础上,建立与本诉、反诉互为体系的交叉诉讼,完善我国的诉求体系。同时,在交叉诉讼的立法中,应细化交叉诉讼的实体要件、规范交叉诉讼的程序要件,更要重视制度本身可能存在的问题。
[Abstract]:Cross-action takes the system of majority parties as the formal elements and the combination of litigation and action as the theoretical basis to realize that the possible subsequent disputes may be tried together with this suit in the same judicial proceedings between the joint parties. In order to make a series of disputes involved in a one-off settlement, to promote the justice of civil proceedings, the further realization of the value of efficiency, to ensure fairness and justice, to achieve social harmony. The research idea of this paper is to define and analyze the cross-action theoretically, analyze the theoretical fulcrum and value pursuit of the cross-action, and have a more comprehensive understanding of the cross-action from the angle of the structure mode of the cross-action. Secondly, the author extends his field of vision to understand the legislative regulation of the procedure and the current situation of its application in the administration of justice under the guidance of the principle of one-off dispute resolution in the United States, and finds out its enlightenment and reference in perfecting the cross-litigation and related system in our country. Secondly, starting with real cases, this paper comprehensively analyzes the confusion and system defects encountered in the trial of "one case" in our country. Find out the necessity of one-off dispute resolution, and consider how to resolve the dispute in the same procedure by system guarantee. Then it examines the current legislative situation of our country, only partial one-off dispute resolution procedural protection, such as joint action, third party system and counterclaim. Some of them-cross-litigation, also have a preliminary exploration in the law, clearly stipulated that can be "adjudicated together" but there is no clear provisions on the procedure of action and action. Through the second part of the study, the author believes that the necessity and feasibility of cross-litigation has already been established. Finally, the author suggests that based on the system of most parties in our country, the system of cross-action should be established and the system of mutual action and counterclaim should be established to perfect the system of demands of our country. At the same time, in the legislation of cross-action, we should refine the substantive elements of cross-action, standardize the procedural elements of cross-action, and pay more attention to the problems that may exist in the system itself.


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