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发布时间:2018-10-15 13:45
【摘要】:2012年修正后重新颁布施行的《刑事诉讼法》在其规定的特别程序一编中确立了“当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序”,该程序开创了我国刑事和解入律的先章,标志着我国以恢复性司法为理念的刑事和解制度法制化进程取得阶段性成果。但是,刑事诉讼法典对公诉案件当事人和解程序只是作出抽象规制,且能够涉及的领域非常狭窄。从该项程序的实际运行和未来的领域拓展要求出发,我们还有许多工作需要去探索完成。本论文拟从探索刑事和解程序在我国的运行路径出发,研究刑事和解的具体实施方案,使该项程序发挥其应有的功能和作用。本文将从以下四个方面论证论文议题: 第一章:我国刑事和解路径概述。本章主要阐述刑事和解的一般原理、法律特征;介绍我国刑事解纷模式从传统的民间私了到官方主导调解再到官民结合刑事和解的历史嬗变,并指出,在刑事诉讼法典已经创设官民结合的当事人和解程序的前提下,如何探索其在诉讼各阶段的运行方式,以寻求具体的和解路径;同时,剖析刑事和解的价值,强调刑事和解是利益契合的最佳途径,是提高司法效率的主要捷径,是构建和谐司法的有效路径。 第二章:本章分析当前我国刑事和解程序运行存在理念障碍和现实障碍,分析社会中所存在的有关刑事和解的负面评价即观念上的障碍,分析所谓“花钱买刑”观念的症结所在及其对实体公正质疑的现实影响;同时,,又分析了刑事和解有违诉讼基本原则,弱化诉权的程序正当性的质疑。关于现实障碍,论文提示主要表现为被告方当事人赔偿力不足,刑事和解方案和法律冲突等方面。 第三章:刑事和解路径域外考察。分别考察英美法系、大陆法系国家的刑事和解程序运行路径。英美法系以英国、美国为域外考察对象,大陆法系则以法国、德国为主,对比两种路径模式,并从借鉴域外经验的立场出发,强调结合中国本土实际国情社情探索刑事和解程序的具体运行路径,方是域外考察之本意。 第四章:探索我国刑事和解程序的具体运行路径。构建中国特色的刑事和解模式,分两部分论证:首先阐述了具体运行程序的指导思想,强调从秉持中国特色社会主义法治理念、公正与效率兼顾理念、坚持程序正义理念出发,同时借鉴在西方国家已经有阐述经验的恢复性司法理念,确立具体路径的构建原则。其次,从所考察的国内一些刑事和解路径的探索性经验出发,介绍检察机关在审查起诉阶段的检调对接路径,法院在庭前会议中的诉调对接路径,同时分析了刑事和解程序与附带民事诉讼程序的衔接路径,并探索侦查阶段开展刑事和解工作的可行性。
[Abstract]:The Criminal procedure Law, which was repromulgated and implemented after the amendment in 2012, established the "Proceedings in Public Prosecution cases for the settlement of the parties" in the first part of the special procedures stipulated in the Criminal procedure Law, which created the first chapter of the criminal reconciliation law in our country. It marks the achievement of the legal process of criminal reconciliation system based on restorative justice in our country. However, the criminal procedure code only abstractly regulates the procedure of party reconciliation in public prosecution cases, and the fields involved are very narrow. In view of the actual operation of the program and the requirements of future domain expansion, we still have a lot of work to explore and complete. This paper intends to explore the path of criminal reconciliation procedure in our country, study the specific implementation of criminal reconciliation program, so that the procedure to play its due function and role. This paper will demonstrate the topic from the following four aspects: chapter one: summary of the path of criminal reconciliation in China. This chapter mainly expounds the general principle and legal characteristics of criminal reconciliation, introduces the historical evolution of the pattern of criminal dispute resolution in China from traditional folk private mediation to official mediation and then to the combination of official and civil criminal reconciliation, and points out that, On the premise that the procedure of reconciliation between the officials and the people has been established in the Code of Criminal procedure, how to explore its operation mode in each stage of the lawsuit in order to seek the concrete settlement path, and at the same time, to analyze the value of the criminal reconciliation, It is emphasized that criminal reconciliation is the best way to match interests, the main shortcut to improve judicial efficiency, and the effective way to construct harmonious judicature. Chapter two: this chapter analyzes the ideological and practical obstacles in the operation of the criminal reconciliation procedure in China, and analyzes the negative evaluation of the criminal reconciliation in the society, that is, the obstacles in the concept. This paper analyzes the crux of the concept of "spending money to buy punishment" and its realistic influence on the challenge of substantive justice, and also analyzes the doubt that criminal reconciliation violates the basic principles of litigation and weakens the procedural legitimacy of the right of action. About the realistic obstacle, the paper mainly indicates that the defendant party's compensation ability is insufficient, the criminal settlement scheme and the law conflict and so on. Chapter three: the extraterritorial investigation of the path of criminal reconciliation. This paper investigates the operation path of criminal reconciliation procedure in Anglo-American law system and civil law system respectively. The Anglo-American law system takes Britain and the United States as the object of overseas investigation, while the civil law system focuses on France and Germany, contrasting the two path models, and proceeding from the standpoint of learning from the foreign experience. It is emphasized that it is the original intention of extra-territorial investigation to explore the specific operating path of criminal reconciliation procedure combining with the actual situation of China. Chapter four: explore the concrete operation path of criminal reconciliation procedure in our country. To construct the criminal reconciliation model with Chinese characteristics, there are two parts of argumentation: first of all, the guiding ideology of concrete operation procedure is expounded, emphasizing the idea of upholding the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, giving consideration to justice and efficiency, and insisting on the idea of procedural justice. At the same time, draw lessons from the western countries have elaborated the experience of restorative justice concept, the establishment of specific path construction principles. Secondly, from the exploratory experience of some domestic criminal reconciliation paths investigated, this paper introduces the docking paths of procuratorial organs in the stage of examination and prosecution, and the docking paths of the court in the pre-court meeting. At the same time, it analyzes the connection path between the criminal reconciliation procedure and the incidental civil procedure, and explores the feasibility of the criminal reconciliation in the investigation stage.


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