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发布时间:2018-10-15 18:15
[Abstract]:Arrest in the sense of criminal procedure law in our country means that the public security organs, the people's procuratorates and the people's courts, in order to prevent criminal suspects or defendants from evading investigation, prosecution, trial, conduct of acts that hinder criminal proceedings, or the occurrence of social danger, And the deprivation of his personal liberty according to law, to be a compulsory measure of detention. Article 79 of our country's Criminal procedure Law classifies the essential conditions of arrest into three categories: general arrest, arrest by arrest, violation of bail pending trial, and transfer of arrest under supervision and residence regulations, and article 91 provides for the formal conditions of arrest. The arrest shall be executed on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by the competent authority. From the perspective of overseas, most countries have implemented "arrest preemption". Arrest and detention after arrest are two independent review procedures. The system of pretrial detention follows the principle of proportionality and restraint in its design. The pretrial detention rate is low and the bail rate is very high. From the point of view of the application of the arrest conditions in our country, it is still a normal judicial practice to "construct a crime namely arrest, one remand in the end". The case handlers consider the litigation risks too much, ignore the examination and application of the arrest conditions, and give citizens and society, The judiciary has brought a lot of bad influence. In the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, our country partially solved some shortcomings of the 1996 Criminal procedure Law, and revised the conditions of arrest as follows: replacing the necessity of arrest with social danger, describing the social danger as five kinds of situations. The conditions of punishment are stratified, the special circumstances of arrest are stipulated, and the situation of surveillance residence, bail and transfer to arrest is made clear. The new Criminal procedure Law absorbs a large number of beneficial judicial practical experience, which shows the great reform resolve of the national legislator in the process of the development of the rule of law, and provides a powerful legal guarantee for the prevention of false arrest, the indiscriminate arrest and the strengthening of the protection of human rights. However, the renovation of the new criminal procedure law is still imperfect, the concept of criminal justice that restricts the proper application of arrest conditions lags behind, the legislation of arrest conditions is vague, and the defects of alternative measures of arrest have not been solved. The solution should be from the legislative level, distinguish between felony and misdemeanor to set different arrest conditions, make clear the necessary conditions of arrest and no arrest, perfect the alternative measures of arrest, in the judicial practice level, pay attention to promote the human rights concept of judicial personnel. To promote the legitimacy of the examination of arrest procedures, to establish a quality assurance mechanism for the review of arrest cases, and to improve the review mechanism of the necessity of detention after arrest. Through the interaction of legislation and judicature, we can gradually change the current situation that the arrest rate is high and the quality of arrest cases is not high in our country.


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