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发布时间:2018-10-16 14:33
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the criminal compulsory medical system has been a hot topic in the theoretical and practical circles. Although the concretization of the system makes the compulsory medical treatment of mental patients have a dependable legal basis, the ambiguity of the current legal provisions has brought many obstacles to the actual implementation. Not only that, whether in the legislative level or the judicial level, the protection of the litigation rights of mental patients in China is still insufficient. In contrast, foreign countries and regions have relatively rich experience in the legislation of compulsory medical procedures, and the procedures are relatively complete. Both substantive and procedural conditions are worthy of our consideration and reference. In view of this, combined with the existing problems in our country's current criminal compulsory medical treatment system, we try to construct a more appropriate Chinese model of the criminal compulsory medical care system, which is not only conducive to the improvement of the system's legislative level. It is also conducive to the healthy operation of the judiciary and the protection of the rights and interests of mental patients.
【作者单位】: 海南大学法学院;


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9 陈慧;我国刑事强制医疗制度问题研究[D];安徽财经大学;2015年




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