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发布时间:2018-10-16 14:43
[Abstract]:In 2012, the New Civil Action Law provided for the small claims procedure for the first time in our country, which is a breakthrough in the legislation of our country. It has provided an important legal basis for the rapid resolution of disputes and the realization of judicial popularization, and has played an important role. However, there is only one, so the provisions of small claims procedure are inadequate, and cause the phenomenon of judicial disunity. Therefore, the Supreme people's Court has issued a judicial interpretation of the small claims procedure detailed provisions, so as to guide the application of our small claims procedure in judicial practice. This explanation makes the small claims procedure more operable, feasible and progressive, but there are still some shortcomings, including the value orientation of the small claims procedure, the legislative model, the choice of procedure. Trial procedure, relief procedure, etc. These deficiencies make the use of this procedure in judicial practice to deal with related cases, encountered a lot of difficulties and obstacles. Therefore, on the basis of studying the small claims procedure in other countries and regions, it is urgent to put forward the measures to perfect the small claims procedure in our country. In this paper, the characteristics and value of the small claims procedure, and its comparison with the summary procedure, start with a brief analysis of the small claims procedure; secondly, the analysis of the status quo of the small claims procedure in China; again, From the perspective of comparative law, this paper analyzes the small claims procedure in other countries and regions, mainly from the aspects of legislative model, scope of application, initiation, trial and execution of small claims procedure. In order to contribute to the development of the small claims procedure in our country, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the small claims procedure in the aspects of starting, trial procedure, relief procedure, execution procedure and so on.


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