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发布时间:2018-10-17 17:10
【摘要】:传统的刑事司法理论通常认为,刑事诉讼旨在维护国家、社会整体利益和保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的权利,,却无意间忽视了对被害人合法权益的保障。然而,法治社会应当是实现二者平衡的社会,无论从公平正义的角度来讲,还是从化解社会矛盾的角度考虑,被害人的利益必须在刑事诉讼中得到保护。 20世纪20年代末,被害人学兴起,人们开始重新审视被害人的地位。二战以后,国际性人权保障运动在世界范围内开展,被害人学研究也蓬勃发展,各国逐步开始重视被害人的权利保障问题。在这样的国际大环境下,我国也开始审视刑事司法中的权利不公问题,对传统的司法制度进行改革。重视人权保障,使刑事被害人的诉讼地位得以提升,诉讼权利更加广泛。特别是2012年新修订的《刑事诉讼法》,再次确认并强化了被害人的当事人地位和诉讼权利。尽管如此,被害人的权利救济问题仍有亟需完善之处。 本文尝试从刑事被害人的角度出发,以刑事被害人的概念及诉讼权利入手,分析对于刑事被害人权利救济的必要性,并且综合考察国外对于被害人权利救济的方式和制度。在此基础上,针对我国刑事被害人权利和救济的现状以及存在的问题,提出了自己的一些建议,包括:完善自诉案件向公诉案件的转换机制、保障刑事被害人的诉讼程序参与权、完善附带民事诉讼制度、建立国家补偿制度、完善我国的刑事和解制度等。希望对完善我国刑事被害人的权利救济机制能有所助益。
[Abstract]:The traditional theory of criminal justice usually holds that criminal proceedings are aimed at safeguarding the interests of the state and society as a whole and protecting the rights of suspects and defendants, but inadvertently neglects the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the victims. However, a society ruled by law should be a society that realizes the balance between the two, not only from the angle of fairness and justice, but also from the angle of resolving social contradictions. The interests of victims must be protected in the criminal proceedings. In the late 1920s, with the rise of victimology, people began to re-examine the position of victims. After World War II, the international human rights protection movement has been carried out in the world, and the study of victim science has also developed vigorously. All countries have gradually begun to attach importance to the protection of the rights of victims. In such an international environment, our country also began to examine the issue of unfair rights in criminal justice, and reform the traditional judicial system. Attach importance to the protection of human rights, so that criminal victims of litigation status can be enhanced, litigation rights more extensive. In particular, the newly revised Criminal procedure Law in 2012 reconfirmed and strengthened the party status and litigation rights of the victim. Nevertheless, the victim's right relief problem still needs to be improved. From the angle of criminal victim, this paper tries to analyze the necessity of remedy for the right of criminal victim by starting with the concept of criminal victim and the right of litigation, and to investigate comprehensively the ways and systems of remedy for the right of victim in foreign countries. On this basis, in view of the present situation and existing problems of the rights and remedies of criminal victims in our country, some suggestions are put forward, including: perfecting the conversion mechanism from private prosecution cases to public prosecution cases, To protect the criminal victim's right to participate in the procedure, to perfect the system of incidental civil action, to establish the system of national compensation, and to perfect the system of criminal reconciliation in our country. Hope to improve our criminal victim's right relief mechanism can be helpful.


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