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发布时间:2018-10-19 10:46
【摘要】:刑事强制措施,作为一种为保障刑事诉讼的顺利进行、防止新的社会危险性的发生而特设的重要的刑事诉讼制度,是刑事诉讼制度的重要内容之一,在刑事诉讼立法中一直居于突出地位。它是一把双刃剑,如果运用得当,便可以保障刑事诉讼活动的顺利进行、及时追究和惩罚犯罪,但是,如果运用得不适当,便会造成国家公权力对公民人身自由等权利的侵犯,损害法律尊严。因此,在利用刑事强制措施来保障刑事诉讼活动顺利进行的同时,必须规定适当的调节性机制,也就是刑事强制措施的撤销、变更和解除制度。其中,捕后刑事强制措施的变更,在立法和司法实践中更是有着重要地位,但却未引起理论界和实务界的足够重视。如果不能正确、及时、有效地实施捕后刑事强制措施的变更,将会使我国的未决羁押问题更加严重。 犯罪嫌疑人被逮捕之后,基于案件进展的需要、外界条件变化、犯罪嫌疑人自身情况的变化以及羁押必要性审查的原因,捕后刑事强制措施的变更有其存在的现实基础和价值基础,但是,在实施的过程中,应当充分遵循法定原则、有利侦查原则、相应性原则、从轻兼从松原则以及人道主义原则,以保证国家权力在诉讼过程中的正确行使、保障被羁押者的合法权利。虽然新刑事诉讼法在许多方面做出了适当的修订,但是在司法实践中,仍然存在以一定的问题,比如检察机关对逮捕权的普遍适用,给变更提供了机会;羁押依附于羁押型强制措施,丧失自身独立性;检察机关对公安机关变更行为的监督不完善、监督效果不理想等,这些问题都需要进一步改革和完善。但是,立足于我国现有的基本国情,应循序渐进地进行改革,确立未决羁押的独立性,赋予检察机关逮捕变更的决定权,细化逮捕变更的实施条件,转变检察机关的执法理念,甚至可以将部分案件的逮捕变更权上提一级,以积极主动发挥监督职责,同时充分发挥羁押替代措施作用,对逮捕变更的效用也是有积极作用的。希望通过上述问题的探讨,能有助于我国刑事强制措施制度的改革和完善。
[Abstract]:Criminal coercive measures, as an important criminal procedure system, are one of the important contents of criminal procedure system, which is designed to guarantee the smooth progress of criminal procedure and prevent the occurrence of new social danger. In the criminal procedure legislation has been in a prominent position. It is a double-edged sword. If it is used properly, it can guarantee the smooth progress of criminal proceedings and prompt investigation and punishment of crimes. However, if it is not properly used, it will result in the infringement of the rights of the state public power to the personal liberty of citizens. Impair the dignity of the law. Therefore, while making use of the criminal coercive measures to ensure the smooth progress of the criminal prosecution activities, we must stipulate the appropriate regulatory mechanism, that is, the revocation, change and release system of the criminal coercive measures. Among them, the change of criminal coercive measures after arrest plays an important role in legislation and judicial practice, but it has not been paid enough attention to by theorists and practitioners. If the change of criminal coercive measures after arrest is not correct, timely and effective, the problem of pending detention in our country will be more serious. After the arrest of a criminal suspect, due to the need for the progress of the case, the change in external conditions, the change in the suspect's own circumstances and the reasons for the review of the necessity of custody, The change of criminal coercive measures after arrest has its realistic basis and value basis, but in the process of implementation, it should fully abide by the principle of law, the principle of favorable investigation, the principle of correspondence, the principle of leniency and the principle of humanitarianism. In order to ensure the correct exercise of state power in the process of litigation, to protect the legitimate rights of detainees. Although the new criminal procedure law has made appropriate revision in many aspects, there are still some problems in judicial practice, such as the general application of the power of arrest by procuratorial organs, which provides an opportunity to change; Custody depends on the compulsory measures of custody and loses its own independence. The supervision of the procuratorial organs on the change of public security organs is not perfect and the effect of supervision is not ideal. All these problems need to be further reformed and improved. However, based on the existing basic conditions of our country, we should carry out the reform step by step, establish the independence of pending detention, endow the procuratorial organs with the right to decide the arrest changes, refine the conditions for the implementation of the arrest changes, and change the law enforcement concepts of the procuratorial organs. Even some cases of the right to change arrest up to one level, in order to actively play a supervisory role, at the same time give full play to the role of alternative measures of custody, the effectiveness of the change of arrest is also a positive role. It is hoped that the above problems will be helpful to the reform and perfection of the system of criminal coercive measures in our country.


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5 沙瑞;;中日刑事强制措施的比较[J];大众商务;2009年22期

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1 江涌;未决羁押制度研究[D];复旦大学;2009年




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