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发布时间:2018-10-19 12:17
【摘要】:执行和解在强制执行中发挥了比较重要的作用,促进了当事人自愿履行。该制度体现出极强的便宜性、经济性的特点,缓解了当事双方的矛盾,维护了社会的稳定。但是,其在理论和实践方面也存在一些问题。首先,理论界和司法界对于和解的性质尚无统一认识。其次,执行法院监督和解履行情况不利,,某些债务人利用和解逃避执行或隐藏财产,影响了债权人的利益。最后,民事诉讼法规定的救济措施单一,缺少对债权人的起诉权与债务人异议之诉的规定。 对于这些问题,本文从以下方面展开论述:首先,对执行和解的基本理论进行梳理。和解行为的性质主要有私法行为说、诉讼行为说、两行为说、一行为两性质说。在对各种学说分析的基础之上,笔者赞成一行为两性质说的观点。和解协议与生效法律文书的关系主要有替代关系、并行关系、目的与手段关系。在对各种关系分析的基础之上,笔者赞成目的与手段的关系。其次,通过介绍英美法系、大陆法系、台湾地区的执行和解规定,与我国相关法律的比较,提出我国立法中需要完善的内容。再次,阐述了六类和解问题及相关分析。最后,提出两项立法性建议,其一是赋予执行和解法律效力,其二是和解协议可诉性。赋予执行和解效力中提出向法院申请确认效力这一诉讼制度。赋予和解协议可诉性中提出设立债务人异议之诉制度。
[Abstract]:The implementation of reconciliation played a more important role in the enforcement of enforcement and facilitated the voluntary performance of the parties. The system reflects extremely strong and economical characteristics, relieves the contradiction between the parties, and maintains the stability of the society. However, there are some problems in theory and practice. First, there is no unified understanding of the nature of the reconciliation between the academic circle and the judicial circle. Secondly, the enforcement of the court's supervision of reconciliation is detrimental to the fact that some debtors use reconciliation to escape execution or concealment of property, affecting the interests of creditors. Finally, the remedy measures stipulated by the Civil Procedure Law are single and lack the provisions on the rights of creditors and the protest against the debtor. For these problems, this paper discusses the following aspects: Firstly, the basic theory of the implementation of reconciliation is carried out The nature of the behavior of reconciliation is that of private law, the action of the action said, the two actions say, a behavior gender On the basis of analysis of various theories, I agree with the two properties of a behavior. Point of view: The relationship between the settlement agreement and the effective legal document mainly has alternative relations, parallel relationship, purpose and means. Relationship. On the basis of analysis of various relationships, I agree with the purpose and means. Secondly, through the introduction of the law system, the continental law system, the enforcement and reconciliation regulations of Taiwan, and the comparison of relevant laws in our country, it is necessary to perfect the legislation in our country. Content. Once again, the six reconciliation problems and related issues are expounded. Finally, two legislative proposals are put forward, one of which is to give effect to the enforcement of reconciliation, and the other is that the settlement agreement may A suit in which a court applies for confirmation of the validity of a settlement. The action of establishing the debtor's objection in the appeal of the settlement agreement.


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