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发布时间:2018-10-19 14:27
【摘要】:刑事和解制度作为一种新型的刑事纠纷解决方法,已经在西方国家取得了良好的社会效果。我国的刑事和解制度规定于2012年新颁布的《刑事诉讼法》中,它被学界公认为是刑事纠纷解决方式中的一项重要创新,很大程度上解决了刑事和解制度无法可依的局面,但在实践中,刑事和解制度还是存在一些问题,比如适用的案件范围不够合理。本文从刑事和解制度的概念和理论依据入手,通过分析刑事和解制度产生的原因和必要性,目的在于从根源上找出完善刑事和解制度的方法,真正做到刑事和解制度适用的案件范围科学、合理。 本文除引言和结语外,共分四个部分,第一部分是关于刑事和解制度的概况,主要论述了该制度的概念,提出我国引入刑事和解制度的意义。 第二部分是对刑事和解制度适用的案件范围规定的原因分析,主要是从我国刑事和解制度发展的历史、现状入手,找出刑事和解制度的思想基础,并分析其这样规定的原因。 第三部分是对我国刑事和解制度适用的案件范围的规范分析,通过现行刑诉法的规定,来分析两种作者认为有可能采用刑事和解方式处理的案件为今后这两类案件采用刑事和解制度处理扫清理论的障碍。 第四部分是对我国刑事和解制度适用的案件范围的完善建议,通过对域外刑事和解制度的分析,总结其经验,最终提出我国应当采用主客观相统一的方式来划定刑事和解适用的案件范围的建议。
[Abstract]:As a new method of resolving criminal disputes, the system of criminal reconciliation has achieved good social effect in western countries. The criminal reconciliation system of our country is stipulated in the newly promulgated Criminal procedure Law in 2012. It is recognized by the academic circles as an important innovation in the settlement of criminal disputes, which to a great extent solves the situation in which the criminal reconciliation system cannot be relied upon. However, in practice, there are still some problems in the system of criminal reconciliation, such as the scope of applicable cases is not reasonable. Starting with the concept and theoretical basis of the criminal reconciliation system, this paper analyzes the causes and necessity of the criminal reconciliation system, aiming at finding out the methods of perfecting the criminal reconciliation system from the root. It is true that the scope of cases applicable to the criminal reconciliation system is scientific and reasonable. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts. The first part is about the general situation of the criminal reconciliation system, mainly discusses the concept of the system, and puts forward the significance of introducing the criminal reconciliation system in our country. The second part is the reason analysis of the case scope of criminal reconciliation system, mainly from the history and current situation of the criminal reconciliation system development in China, to find out the ideological basis of the criminal reconciliation system, and analyze the reasons for such provisions. The third part is the normative analysis of the scope of cases applicable to the system of criminal reconciliation in China, and the adoption of the provisions of the current Criminal procedure Law. This paper analyzes the two kinds of cases which the author thinks it is possible to deal with by the way of criminal reconciliation. It clears the theoretical obstacles for the two cases to adopt the system of criminal reconciliation in the future. The fourth part is to improve the scope of the criminal reconciliation system in China, through the analysis of the extraterritorial criminal reconciliation system, summed up its experience. Finally, the author puts forward the suggestion that our country should adopt the unified way of subjective and objective to delimit the scope of cases of criminal reconciliation.


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