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发布时间:2018-10-19 15:47
【摘要】:行政证据制度是行政程序的重要组成部分,证明标准是是证据的内重要容,但是与行政诉讼的证明标准理论所不同,行政程序证明标准发展缓慢,完全没有跟上行政程序发展的步伐。本文以行政程序证明标准为题目,对行政程序证明标准理论缺失的表征进行充分解析,分析了立法与实践,提出行政程序证明标准体系的确立应当是考虑多方面的因素。 本文主要分为三个部分,第一部分是行政程序证明标准概念的提出,对证明标准追本溯源,分析了证明标准的内涵既不是绝对的客观真实真实,也不是绝对的法律真实,而是包括主客观相统一的客观真实,界定了行政程序证明标准并且分析了行政程序证明标准提出的必要性,分析了行政程序证明标准与证明责任的关系;而后分析了行政诉讼证明标准与行政程序证明责任的关系以及行政程序证明标准与证明对象之间的关系,厘清这两组组关系,对确定适用怎样的证明标准具有重要的意义。第二部分介绍了两大法系代表国家的行政程序证明标准,分析了域外行政程序证明标准的正当性,以期为我国行政程序证明标准的确立提供一些借鉴。结合行政程序的相关法律分析了我国目前法律中所规定了行政程序的证明标准是“事实清楚、证据确凿”,指出了目前法律中规定的行政程序证明标准的不科学,,分析了在实践中,行政程序证明标准适用出现的问题包括“行政程序证明标准与行政诉讼证明标准部分”、“证明标准的单一”以及“证明标准的确定主体”都是存在问题的。第三部分是行政程序证明标准的构建,论述了影响行政程序证明标准确定的因素。认为行政程序证明标准的建立应当要区分行政程序证明标准与行政诉讼证明标准,考虑证明标准与证明责任、证明对象的关系,考虑做出行政程序是所处的环境。创造性的提出了行政程序证明标准的适用首先得区分行政程序是否排除在行政诉讼审查之外的,排除在行政诉讼审查之外证明标准包括不可诉行政行为的证明标准和行政合理性事实的审查标准。受行政诉讼审查的行政程序证明标准应当是分层次递进的一个标准体系,这一证明标准体系,既可以适用在行政程序中,也可以适用在行政诉讼中。
[Abstract]:The system of administrative evidence is an important part of administrative procedure, and the standard of proof is an important part of evidence. But different from the theory of standard of proof in administrative litigation, the standard of proof of administrative procedure develops slowly. It completely failed to keep pace with the development of administrative procedures. Taking the standard of proof of administrative procedure as the topic, this paper fully analyzes the lack of the theory of the standard of proof of administrative procedure, analyzes the legislation and practice, and points out that the establishment of the standard system of proof of administrative procedure should be the consideration of many factors. This paper is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is the concept of the standard of proof of administrative procedure. To trace back to the source of the standard of proof, the connotation of the standard of proof is neither absolute objective truth nor absolute legal truth. It includes the objective reality of the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, defines the standard of proof of administrative procedure and analyzes the necessity of putting forward the standard of proof of administrative procedure, and analyzes the relationship between the standard of proof of administrative procedure and the burden of proof. Then it analyzes the relationship between the proof standard of administrative litigation and the burden of proof of administrative procedure and the relationship between the standard of proof of administrative procedure and the object of proof, and clarifies the relationship between the two groups, which is of great significance for determining the applicable standard of proof. The second part introduces the standards of proof of administrative procedure in the two legal systems, and analyzes the legitimacy of the standard of proof of administrative procedure outside the country, in order to provide some reference for the establishment of the standard of proof of administrative procedure in our country. Combined with the relevant laws of administrative procedure, this paper analyzes that the standard of proof of administrative procedure stipulated in the present law of our country is "the facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive", and points out that the standard of proof of administrative procedure stipulated in the present law is unscientific. This paper analyzes the problems in the application of the standard of proof of administrative procedure in practice, such as "the standard of proof of administrative procedure and the standard of proof in administrative proceedings", "the single standard of proof" and "the subject of determining the standard of proof". The third part is the construction of administrative procedure certification standard, and discusses the factors that affect the determination of administrative procedure certification standard. It is considered that the establishment of the standard of proof of administrative procedure should distinguish the standard of proof of administrative procedure from the standard of proof of administrative procedure, consider the standard of proof and the burden of proof, the relation of object of proof, and consider the environment in which administrative procedure is made. Creatively put forward the application of the standard of proof of administrative procedure must distinguish whether the administrative procedure is excluded from the examination of administrative litigation, The standard of proof excluded from the review of administrative litigation includes the standard of proof of non-actionable administrative act and the standard of examination of administrative reasonableness fact. The standard of proof of administrative procedure subject to the examination of administrative litigation should be a standard system of hierarchical progression, which can be applied not only in administrative procedure but also in administrative litigation.


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