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发布时间:2018-10-19 18:08
[Abstract]:As a special type of litigation, the division of joint property litigation is different from that of ordinary civil action when it is applied to the basic theory of civil action. However, there is little research on the type of action in our country at present. And in practice, the focus on the type of litigation is also focused on the substantive aspects. From the point of view of procedural law, this paper studies the division of common property litigation, taking the old substantive law theory as the guidance and the object of litigation (that is, the object of the lawsuit) as the starting point to investigate the particularity of the litigation type. In this paper, the division of common property litigation through four parts to investigate: the first part, analyze the division of common property litigation of the basic legal principles. First of all, it clarifies the content of mutual legal relationship from the perspective of mutual legal relationship, and then analyzes the legal relationship of partitioned common property based on the existing legal provisions of our country by examining the legal relationship of divided common property in Germany and Japan. Based on the investigation and analysis of the nature of the claim for division of common things in substantive law, it is obtained that it is a kind of formation right of special type (lacking of important elements), and by this means it is transferred to the investigation of the nature of litigation and the object of action of the division of common property. It also presents the guiding theory of this article, that is, the theory of the object of action of the old substantive law theory, and applies it to analyze the particularity of the trial of the lawsuit and the validity of the judgment. In the second part, from the angle of object of litigation, the author discusses and puts forward some suggestions. It mainly expounds the two aspects of litigation request and objective merger of action. In the civil action of implementing disposition doctrine, the litigation request is equal to the object of the action, but in the case of the limitation of the content of the principle of disposition in our country, and the absence of the principle of disposition, It is not surprising to confuse the relationship between the litigation request and the object of the action. In addition, the trial object in the division of common property litigation includes whether to divide the object and the fixed division method. The latter is prone to raid the judge, which is disadvantageous to the protection of the parties' rights. In the objective combination of litigation, because of its basic theory and legislation is not perfect, resulting in further in the division of common property in the trial of surprise adjudication, external adjudication and other issues; combined with the judicial practice of the case to put forward suggestions. In addition, due to the particularity of the object of trial, there are also the problems of interlaced application of procedural and non-litigative legal principles, and cross-application of argumentalism and functionalism. The third part describes the legal theory and comments on the validity of the judgment in the division of common property litigation. The legal principle of the res judicata and execution of the litigation judgment is investigated, and the legal effect system of our country is expounded. On the premise of the consistency of litigation request, object of dispute, object of trial and objective scope of res judicata and execution, the particularity of judgment res judicata of division of common things is described. It mainly analyzes whether it has executive power and the specific problems in implementation, and puts forward some suggestions. The fourth part, conclusion. The nature of the claim of partitioning common things, that is, the right of formation lacking in the elements; the nature of the action of division of common things, that is, the formative action of the form; the object of the litigation includes the claim of the division of the common property and the method of definite division. While maintaining the theoretical consistency, the thesis also discusses the practical problems and briefly explains the shortcomings of this thesis.


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