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发布时间:2018-10-21 09:22
[Abstract]:Whether the plaintiff in the first instance can withdraw the suit in the second instance procedure is a problem which is not clearly stipulated in the legislation of civil action. There are different viewpoints in theory and different ways of handling in practice. Article 338 of the judicial interpretation of the Civil procedure Law, from the perspective of respecting the right of the parties to dispose, allows the plaintiff to withdraw the prosecution on the premise of obtaining the consent of the other parties and not harming the interests of the state, the public interest and the legitimate rights and interests of others. But at the same time, the plaintiff shall not accept the repeated suit after withdrawing the suit. In accordance with the practical need of civil procedure law and effective dispute resolution, different rules should be set up according to the type of case, that is, the plaintiff is prohibited from prosecuting the property case again, and the plaintiff is allowed to sue again in the case of personal relationship. It is also unreasonable to allow the defendant to sue separately unconditionally, and should be decided according to the circumstances.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学高等研究院;


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