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发布时间:2018-10-22 07:00
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of network technology, electronic mail, mobile phone SMS, electronic commerce and other means of information exchange has been irresistible into our daily life, and has had a significant impact on our lives. Electronic data, as a type of evidence, is written into the revised civil procedure law in 2012, which is a great progress of civil procedural law in our country, and provides an important basic guarantee for us to solve the continuously upgraded cases of informationization in the future. However, there are very few supporting provisions on electronic data in the relevant legislation of our country. For the applicable rules, the technical provisions are still far from the level of the Anglo-American countries, which will inevitably increase the difficulty of the normal conduct of the civil trial procedure. As a result, the exchange of evidence in civil proceedings cannot be carried out in time, which greatly reduces the judicial authority and hinders the value requirement of efficiency in civil litigation. In view of this, it is necessary to carry on the theoretical research on the electronic data evidence exchange system in civil litigation, to provide the corresponding theoretical basis for the legislation and the judicature. Starting with the concept of electronic data evidence exchange system, this paper makes a comparative study on the electronic data evidence exchange system in two legal systems, and analyzes the present situation of electronic data evidence exchange system in China. The paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the electronic data evidence exchange system in order to benefit the system construction of the civil electronic data evidence exchange system in China.


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