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发布时间:2018-10-21 20:25
[Abstract]:The subject of recourse plays a vital role in the whole criminal justice. It is not only the initiator of the recovery procedure, but also the recouptee, the ascertainer of the scope and amount of the recovery, and the executor of the judicial recourse. No matter how advanced a system is, it is difficult to put it into practice and to give full play to its due effect without the enforcement of the system by the authorities or by whom the regulations are to be implemented. Therefore, the refinement and perfection of the subject of recovery is of great significance to the development of the whole recovery system, and it can also warn the judicial staff to act according to the law, and to reduce the occurrence of unjust and false cases and violations of the personal rights of citizens from a certain side. This article regards the subject of criminal judicial recourse as the object of study, on the basis of combing the domestic and foreign legislative practice experience and related research, puts forward how to better confirm the criminal judicial recourse subject. In order to improve the future legislation and the smooth implementation of the recovery system to provide some reference. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper consists of three parts. The first part is the summary of criminal judicial recourse subject, which discusses and studies the basic theory of criminal judicial recourse subject in violation of personal rights, the second part mainly discusses the main problems of criminal judicial recourse subject at the present stage. The third part is to refine and improve the criminal justice recovery of the specific concept of the subject. The purpose of this part is to change the single setting mode of "compensation obligation organ is the subject of recourse", and to put forward the idea of establishing specialized organ as the subject of criminal judicial recourse for infringement of personal rights.


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