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发布时间:2018-10-23 13:31
[Abstract]:In recent years, the pursuit of economic benefits maximization makes the ecological environment problems more and more frequent. On the basis of the improvement of the overall living standard of the society, people pursue the spiritual enjoyment of the natural ecological environment even more when they are faced with environmental problems. The awareness of environmental protection of the public has been gradually raised, and the voice of citizens' environmental appeal is becoming higher and higher. The process of the rule of law in our country also keeps developing in keeping with the trend of the times. The Civil procedure Law, revised in 2012, has for the first time clearly stipulated the environmental public interest litigation system with Chinese characteristics. This provision not only provides the legal basis for environmental public interest litigation, but also provides legal support for the subject of environmental public interest litigation. However, the current legal system of litigation excludes citizens' qualification as the plaintiff of public interest litigation, which makes some acts of destroying environmental resources blocked out of judicial relief, resulting in inadequate protection of environmental public welfare. This paper mainly studies the plaintiff's qualification of citizens in environmental public interest litigation. The introduction mainly introduces the research background and significance of the thesis, the current research situation at home and abroad, the research contents and methods, and the innovation points of the paper. Then, it summarizes the qualification of the citizen plaintiff in the environmental public interest litigation. This paper defines the connotation and development stage of plaintiff qualification in environmental public interest litigation, and expounds the establishment and development of the legal status of citizen plaintiff qualification in environmental public interest litigation. This paper introduces the relevant regulations about the qualification of the plaintiff in the environmental public interest litigation in the main countries of the foreign countries, mainly including the citizen litigation in the United States, the informant action in Britain, the constitution lawsuit of the environmental right in India, the public hazard lawsuit in Japan and so on. It also reviews the theory of citizen plaintiff qualification in environmental public interest litigation. The negative theory of citizen plaintiff's qualification mainly includes individual plaintiff subject's unsuitable case theory, public interest litigation subject's narrow sense theory and individual public interest lawsuit's overstatement, etc. These negative theories have inherent limitation. It can not adapt to the new development of environmental public interest litigation. On this basis, it demonstrates the legitimacy of citizens' qualification as plaintiff of environmental public interest litigation, mainly from the basis of environmental rights of citizens to bring environmental public interest litigation, the theory of the expansion of litigation rights. In fact, the theory of damage and the theory of interests worth protecting prove the legitimacy of citizens' bringing environmental public interest litigation. Based on the fact that the current legal system of environmental public interest litigation in our country lacks citizens' qualification as plaintiff, they try to legislate. Judicial and other systems to construct citizens as plaintiff of environmental public interest litigation. In the aspect of legislation, it is necessary to explicitly endow citizens with the plaintiff's qualification to file environmental public interest litigation and define the conditions for citizens to initiate environmental public interest litigation. In the judicial aspect, it is necessary to reasonably set up the rules of inversion of the burden of proof. And expand the effectiveness of environmental public interest litigation judgment; in other systems, we need to establish litigation incentive mechanism and overappeal prevention mechanism. Finally, the conclusion.


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