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发布时间:2018-10-25 19:37
[Abstract]:The defense is the litigant's natural right, and has the independent procedure value. However, the defense has not been paid much attention in the current litigation system of our country, and the legislation lacks rigid restriction on the exercise of the right of reply, which is not conducive to the defendant's active exercise of the right of reply. In order to realize the centralized trial, the parties should actively and quickly put forward the defense method of attack, which puts forward more practical requirements to the traditional defense system of civil litigation in our country. In this article, the author first defines the connotation of the reply. The author holds that the so-called rejoinder is an instrument by which the defendant and the appellant answer and defend the facts and grounds of the suit or the request and reason of the appeal. It is an instrument corresponding to the pleadings and appeals. The reply should focus on the recognition of the facts, the application of the law and the legality of the procedure. The author supports the view of the nature of the filing of the reply, and holds that the filing of the reply is still a right of the defendant, but the exercise of the right should be restricted. At the same time, the author analyzes the function of answering pleadings, and points out that the reply pleadings have four functions: clear points of contention, prevention of litigation raids, preparation of evidence discovery procedures, and basis of judges' adjudication. The question of what the rejoinder is and what is the use of the reply has been solved. Next, the author combs the basic theory of the system of the loss of the right of reply from two aspects: the definition of the right of reply and the legal basis of the system of the loss of the right of reply. Then introduces the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Taiwan and other countries and regions, the current law on the system of the loss of the right of defense provisions, to these countries and regions of the system of comment. And from the legislative and judicial aspects, this paper introduces the current operation of the system of the loss of the right of defense in China, and analyzes that the imperfect defense system of our country is due to the imperfect legislation. The influence of traditional litigation culture and the result of consideration of litigation strategy are put forward. Finally, the author analyzes the feasibility of the construction of the system of civil action loss of defense. And from the scope of application, the subject of application, the provisions of the defense period, the specific elements of the contents of the reply, as well as the consequences of non-reply, the exception of the loss of the right of reply applies. The article puts forward the concrete construction of the system of the right of defense in our country in the aspect of relief ways of non-responding judgment. At the end of the article, the author puts forward four safeguard measures, which are to establish the principle of good faith in the civil procedure law of our country.


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