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发布时间:2018-10-26 13:31
[Abstract]:The procedure of judicial supervision in administrative litigation is a special kind of legal relief procedure applied to the effective judgment. It is precisely because of its remedial value that it plays a very important role in the proceedings. The perfection of the procedure of trial supervision is conducive to the protection of the litigant's right of action, the protection of its legal right and the justice and correctness of the judge. However, for a long time, because the procedure of trial supervision stipulated in the Administrative procedure Law is too simple, and because of the lack of effective supporting mechanism of retrial procedure, the appeal rate of retrial appears to be high in judicial practice. The parties' right to apply for retrial is difficult to realize. Therefore, the author thinks that we should perfect the procedure of administrative litigation retrial in legislation, construct the relevant supporting mechanism of retrial procedure, improve the quality of trial, guarantee the reasonable retrial demand of the litigant in the form of right of action, control the overflow of complaints, and establish judicial authority. The way of bringing retrial is changed from authority doctrine to party doctrine. Only in this way, can we fundamentally solve the dilemma that our administrative litigation trial supervision procedure faces. In this paper, the discussion and research on the procedure of judicial supervision in administrative litigation in our country is no longer limited to expanding the scope of the cause of retrial and relaxing the conditions of admission of retrial, but is analyzed from the two angles of theory and practice. In view of the lack of legislation on the procedure of judicial supervision in administrative litigation in our country, combined with the trial supervision procedure of civil litigation and the mature experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward the idea of perfecting the system of judicial supervision procedure and the guarantee mechanism of administrative litigation. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background, significance, research methods and current research situation of the thesis. The second chapter is an overview of the procedure of trial supervision in administrative litigation. It defines the concept of the procedure of trial supervision, introduces the theoretical basis of the procedure of trial supervision, and combs the development process of the procedure of judicial supervision in administrative litigation of our country. This paper analyzes the relationship and difference between it and the procedure of trial supervision in civil litigation. The third chapter is the introduction and evaluation of the relevant systems, focusing on the enlightenment and reference of foreign legislation to our country. The fourth chapter discusses the current situation of our country's administrative litigation trial supervision procedure from the two aspects of legislation and practice, and reflects on its deficiency. The fifth chapter is the perfection of our country's administrative litigation trial supervision procedure, according to the fourth chapter's discussion, puts forward the concrete measure and the supporting mechanism consummation countermeasure. Chapter six is the conclusion.


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