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发布时间:2018-10-30 14:38
[Abstract]:In 2012, the Criminal procedure Law added F people as criminal suspects, the defendants escaped and hid, and the illegal proceeds of death cases were confiscated, but due to the lack of specific operational guidelines, The application effect of this procedure in judicial practice failed to achieve the expected effect of legislation. In order to promote the judicial application of the illegal income confiscation procedure and to improve the content of the special procedures, the Supreme people's Court and the Supreme people's Procuratorate issued on January 5, 2017, "on criminal suspects, the defendants flee and hide," Provisions on the confiscation of illegal income in death cases. In the light of the provisions of the judicial interpretation, the scope of application of the procedure for confiscation of illegal proceeds, the scope of application, the hiding, the wanted, the specific identification of the illegal proceeds, the operation procedures for the confiscation of the illegal proceeds and the relevant standards of proof are all key legal difficulties. Further analysis and interpretation are carried out in order to play a role in theoretical research and judicial practice.
【作者单位】: 最高人民法院审判委员会;最高人民法院刑事审判第二庭;


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