[Abstract]:In judicial practice, as the most important non-standard factor in the application of the death penalty, the victim's understanding has a practical influence on the criminal policy of the death penalty discretion. This kind of non-normative participation reflects the realistic predicament of victim's participation in criminal justice. On the one hand, the victim's understanding on the consideration of economic compensation has caused the public to question the application of the death penalty widely; On the other hand, the absence of institutional participation mechanism leads the victim's family to choose the lawsuit strategy of issuing a letter of understanding or only asking the defendant to die. The paradigm of institutional economics reveals that the choice of victim understanding affects the application of the death penalty, which is the result of a game between transaction costs and legal benefits in a specific legal market, and has the rational characteristics of economics. Therefore, in order to resolve the plight of victim participation in criminal justice, it is necessary to increase the supply of legal public goods and gradually standardize the channels and methods of victim participation.
【作者单位】: 安徽科技学院人文学院;
【基金】:安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重点项目“集资犯罪群体性事件的刑法防控研究”(编号:SK2016A027) 安徽科技学院稳定人才项目“犯罪被害人参与刑事政策治理研究”
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