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发布时间:2018-10-30 19:38
[Abstract]:Pre-court meeting should be located in the pre-court preparatory procedure, which is the core content of the pre-court preparatory procedure before the court hearing after the public prosecution review. The problems solved by the pretrial conference include not only the summary of procedural problems, but also the consolidation and clarity of some substantive issues of the case, which is of great significance to promote the high quality and efficiency of the court proceedings and to realize the fairness of the proceedings. Pre-court meetings may be initiated on the basis of the right of action of both parties, or by the court ex officio; The operation includes the meeting mode and the hearing mode. The pre-court meeting should try to solve the procedural problems, make a decision, and play a restrictive effect on the trial procedure.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;


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