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发布时间:2018-11-01 13:09
[Abstract]:The system of administrative responsible person responding to a lawsuit is an organic operating system which is carried out by the system of administrative principal responding to suit and its supporting measures, including two aspects: system elements and cultural elements. At present, the system of administrative principal responding in our country is evolved from the system of administrative response agent, which has caused controversy in the process of legislative confirmation. Based on the investigation of Shandong Province, it is found that the system of administrative principal response is deficient in both the normative level and the cultural atmosphere of responding to the complaint. The perfection of the normative level should be based on improving the rank and effectiveness of the norm and realizing the unification of the norm. The correct understanding and identification of the system, the promotion of the theory of administrative organ and citizen transformation, and the improvement of the legal literacy of the administrative responsible person are conducive to cultivating the cultural atmosphere of the administrative responsible person responding to the suit simultaneously.
【作者单位】: 济南大学政法学院;


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