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发布时间:2018-11-03 12:03
[Abstract]:Externality is the logical starting point of consumer public interest litigation, and low cost and high income is the judgment rule of consumer public interest litigation system. Consumer public interest litigation is in line with the maximization of social interests, which is not only the internalization of the negative externality of the market, but also the internalization of its own positive externality. The social optimal behavior of consumer public interest litigation with the attribute of public goods can not be completely realized through market regulation. It is the core proposition of the research on incentive mechanism of consumer public interest litigation to stimulate the amount of consumer public interest litigation behavior and realize substantive fairness and justice through the mechanism construction of effectively reducing the cost of public interest litigation and enhancing the benefit of public interest litigation. The effective supply of incentive mechanism can be started from the aspects of litigation cost sharing, the extension of suitable subject, the expansion of adjudication res judicata and the establishment of trial organization.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学(武汉)法学系;
【基金】:2012年度国家社科基金项目“全球经济复苏趋缓背景下我国‘调结构’与‘稳增长’的协同机理及实证研究”(项目编号:2CJL016) 武汉市法学会经济法学研究会2017年课题“共享经济背景下网约车市场法律规制研究”的阶段性成果


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2 大学教师 李红火;司法正义的外部性建设[N];东莞日报;2012年

3 彭兴庭;公益诉讼需要利益支持[N];经济参考报;2005年

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