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发布时间:2018-11-03 15:54
[Abstract]:In judicial practice, it is related to the criminal procedure to punish the crime and to guarantee the realization of human rights. As a legal supervision organ, procuratorial organ plays a very important role in preventing miscarriage of justice. In order to promote the judicial personnel to truly use the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to solve problems, standardize the handling of cases, and avoid the occurrence of criminal error cases, we jointly with the people's Procuratorate of Huairou District of Beijing Municipality, select typical cases of wrongs and invite relevant experts. Starting with the judicial concept and legal evidence, the author hopes to be beneficial to the prevention of false and false cases.
【作者单位】: 人民检察杂志社;中国人民大学法学院;中国政法大学诉讼法学研究院;最高人民检察院监所检察厅;北京市怀柔区人民检察院;


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