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发布时间:2018-11-05 09:12
【摘要】:财产保全制度是我国民事诉讼法中一项重要的制度。在当下市场经济制度尚不完善、社会诚信体系缺位、宏观经济增速下行压力增大及各地民间借贷危机相继爆发,导致财产保全案件数量激增的大背景下,财产保全制度在案件审理、执行过程中扮演着愈发重要的角色。一方面;财产保全制度能够有效确保裁判文书的顺利执行,对解决“执行难”有着重要意义;另一方面,财产保全制度还可以有效提升案件审理效率,有利调解。 同时,我们应当看到,目前我国的财产保全制度在实际运行中还存在着很多问题。这些问题的存在,不利于当事人权利的维护,不利于实现“案结事了人和”的目标。我国法律及司法解释中有关财产保全的规定仍有诸多需要完善之处。本文结合司法实际,分析了财产保全制度运行中存在的问题及原因,并有针对性的提出了完善我国财产保全制度的对策。 本文内容主要包括以下部分:第一章是引言,介绍选题的原因、意义、国内外研究现状及研究范围和方法。第二章是对财产保全及财产保全制度的界定、财产保全的积极、消极作用的论述。第三章是对财产保全制度运行中存在的主要问题进行阐述。第四章是分析问题存在的原因;第五章是结合上文,提出完善建议。结论是对全文进行总结。
[Abstract]:Property preservation system is an important system in our civil procedure law. Under the background of the imperfect market economy system, the absence of social integrity system, the increasing downward pressure of macroeconomic growth rate and the outbreak of local private lending crisis, the number of property preservation cases has increased sharply. Property preservation system plays an increasingly important role in the trial and execution of cases. On the one hand, the property preservation system can effectively ensure the smooth implementation of the adjudication documents, which is of great significance to solve the "difficulty of execution"; on the other hand, the property preservation system can also effectively enhance the efficiency of the trial of cases and facilitate mediation. At the same time, we should see that there are still many problems in the actual operation of property preservation system in our country. The existence of these problems is not conducive to the protection of the rights of the parties, and is not conducive to the realization of the goal of "the conclusion of the case has resulted in the harmony of the person". There are still many regulations about property preservation in our country's law and judicial interpretation. Based on the judicial practice, this paper analyzes the problems and causes in the operation of property preservation system, and puts forward some countermeasures to perfect the property preservation system in China. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the reasons, significance, research status, research scope and methods. The second chapter is the definition of property preservation and property preservation system, the positive and negative effects of property preservation. The third chapter is the main problems in the operation of property preservation system. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the causes of the problem; the fifth chapter is based on the above, put forward some suggestions. The conclusion is a summary of the full text.


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