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发布时间:2018-11-05 10:06
【摘要】:随着经济社会的快速发展,现代社会中的人们面临着各种越来越多的压力,生活节奏也在不断加快,我国精神疾患也愈发成为影响我国社会稳定的因素。据有关统计显示,中国精神疾患的人数每年呈上升的趋势,精神病人作为社会的特殊群体,肇事肇祸的问题已经影响到社会的安全与稳定。 人类的精神疾病千变万化种类繁多,且治疗周期长,治愈率低,精神病人犯罪也不承担任何刑事责任,很多精神病患者都有主动攻击的意识,因此有效地监管和治疗精神病患者是维护社会安全与稳定、保障人权的必然要求。从1997年刑法的原则性规定,到2012年新刑事诉讼法及其司法解释出台以后,强制医疗程序作为特别程序,整体框架已经搭建起来了,其作为程序法具有了一定的操作性,但是实践一年以来,也的确涌现了不少问题。我国强制医疗程序的规定过于粗犷,具体操作实践中的很多细节性问题都没有考虑到,因此从理论上探讨精神病人强制医疗程序十分必要。通过理论的指导,完善我国强制医疗程序制度,从而使强制医疗措施得到妥善的适用。 本文拟通过分析我国强制医疗措施在发展历程,发掘其在制度设计上的缺陷和司法操作中所遭遇的问题,最后提出完善建议。本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分进一步阐明选题的大背景以及选题的意义,介绍强制医疗措施在当前研究的现状,并明确本文研究的重点。 第二部分从强制医疗的基础理论知识入手,进一步分析总结强制医疗的概念与属性,分析强制医疗的必要性。 第三部分用历史的分析方法,研究我国强制医疗措施从无到有的过程,不同时期时候强制医疗发展的状况,重点总结新刑事诉讼法及其司法解释出台以来,我国强制医疗程序的具体规定。 第四部分分析我国现今制度下,强制医疗程序在实践操作中存在的问题,并进一步提出了完善的建议。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society, people in modern society are facing more and more pressures, the rhythm of life is also accelerating, and the mental disorders in our country have become more and more factors that affect the social stability of our country. According to relevant statistics, the number of people suffering from mental disorders in China is on the rise every year. As a special group of society, the problem of causing and causing disasters has affected the safety and stability of the society. Human mental diseases vary in variety, have a long treatment cycle, have a low cure rate, and mental patients do not bear any criminal responsibility for committing crimes. Many mental patients have a sense of active attack. Therefore, effective supervision and treatment of mental patients is necessary to maintain social security and stability and protect human rights. From the principled provisions of the Criminal Law in 1997 to the introduction of the new Criminal procedure Law and its judicial interpretation in 2012, as a special procedure, the overall framework of the compulsory medical procedure has been set up, and it has a certain degree of operation as a procedural law. But over the past year of practice, many problems have indeed sprung up. The stipulation of compulsory medical procedure in our country is too rough, many detailed problems in the concrete operation practice are not considered, so it is necessary to discuss the compulsory medical procedure of mental patient theoretically. Under the guidance of theory, the system of compulsory medical procedure in China is perfected, so that the compulsory medical treatment measures can be properly applied. This paper analyzes the development of compulsory medical measures in China, explores the defects in the system design and the problems encountered in the judicial operation, and finally puts forward some suggestions for improvement. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part further clarifies the background of the topic and the significance of the topic, introduces the current situation of compulsory medical measures in the current research, and clarifies the focus of this study. The second part starts with the basic theory knowledge of compulsory medical treatment, further analyzes the concept and attribute of compulsory medical treatment, and analyzes the necessity of compulsory medical treatment. The third part uses the historical analysis method, studies our country compulsory medical treatment measure from scratch the process, the different time compulsory medical treatment development condition, emphatically summarizes the new criminal procedure law and its judicial explanation since the publication, Specific provisions of compulsory medical procedures in China. The fourth part analyzes the problems existing in the practice of compulsory medical procedure under the present system of our country, and puts forward further suggestions.


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