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发布时间:2018-11-06 09:42
[Abstract]:The theory of corroboration has been controversial since it was put forward, and has been accused of being unable to prevent the occurrence of wrong cases in recent years. By comparing the judicial practice between China and the West, we can find that the confirmation mode of cognitive law has rationality and universality, but as the corroboration rule of legal norm, There are advantages and disadvantages because of the different matching degree between the content and the local procedural mechanism. There is a dynamic relationship between rules and procedural mechanisms that restrict and interact with each other. In order to guard against the risk of the error of the fact, the deficiency of the procedural rules promotes the emergence of the verification rules of the litigation terminal, and the procedural mechanism determines the basic characteristics of the corroboration rules. Verification rules and procedural mechanisms as a whole determine whether the task of the real discovery of criminal proceedings can be realized, often showing a mutual relationship. The problem of confirmation rules in the judicial application of our country is related to its careless theoretical construction, but the root of the problems lies in the defects of the criminal procedure mechanism and the improper application of the confirmation rules by the public security judicial organs. In view of the malpractice of confirmation rules in judicial application, it is not feasible to introduce free testimony or due process unilaterally. The application of verification rules and procedural mechanisms should take advantage of strengths and circumvent weaknesses and seek the optimal resource allocation scheme which takes account of both real discovery and litigation efficiency.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;
【基金】:2017年西南政法大学资助项目(2017XZQN-20) 四川省哲社重点研究基地纠纷解决与司法改革研究中心2015年度一般项目(2015DJKT17)的资助 纽约大学亚美法研究所刑事错案项目的交流活动


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