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发布时间:2018-11-06 10:46
[Abstract]:The "superiority evidence" standard used in the case of Liao Zongrong v. the second Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau of Traffic Administration, published in the first issue of the Supreme people's Court in 2007, has aroused widespread concern in academic circles. This article attempts to take this case as the analysis sample, through the analysis to the judgment main text, hoped to extract from the "superiority evidence" several constituent elements; And through the comparison of relevant cases, we hope to find the applicable premise of superiority evidence in the context of administrative litigation. The analysis shows that the "evidence of superiority" in the case of bulletin contains three elements, namely, identity, truth and relationship. The comparative analysis of several cases reveals that the "evidence of superiority" in the bulletin case is only applicable to the situation of one-to-one evidence.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;


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