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发布时间:2018-11-06 13:25
[Abstract]:The difficulty of execution of criminal incidental civil litigation cases is a hot issue that the whole society has paid close attention to in recent years, and it is also a problem that must be faced squarely and solved urgently by the people's court. The newly amended Criminal procedure Law and the Civil procedure Law have been improved to a certain extent in legislation, but there are still some shortcomings. Through the analysis of the actual implementation of the criminal incidental civil litigation cases in a certain court, To find out the cause and harm of the execution problem in the case of criminal incidental civil action from the two situations of difficulty of execution and difficulty of execution, and to perfect and perfect the legal norm and system of execution of the case of criminal incidental civil action, such as the preservation mechanism, Personal property system, social credit system, the construction of measures to encourage the defendant to actively fulfill their obligations and the establishment of a criminal victim national relief mechanism, in order to resolve this dilemma. In the trial stage, the defendants are encouraged to fulfill their obligations actively and to establish the national relief mechanism for the criminal victims in the process of the trial, to solve the problem from the root causes, and to try to find a new way out in the execution of the criminal incidental civil litigation cases. The execution of criminal incidental civil litigation cases plays an important role in effectively resolving social conflicts and disputes and ensuring that the victims are compensated in a timely manner. It is also an issue of widespread concern to the broad masses. Therefore, the difficulties in the execution of criminal incidental civil litigation cases must be seriously resolved in order to safeguard the dignity of the law, the stability of society, and the credibility of the administration of justice. For our country's judicial reform and social health and stability to provide a strong guarantee.


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