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发布时间:2018-11-06 20:32
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern information technology, the number of cases involving electronic data is increasing, more and more electronic data evidence is submitted to the court, and the role of electronic data in litigation is increasing day by day. In addition to the characteristics of general evidence, electronic data has its unique characteristics, such as diversity, dependence, openness and so on. It is precisely because of its unique characteristics that it has brought great impact to the legal circle of traditional evidence. At the same time, it brings many new problems to the collection, preservation and examination of electronic data in judicial practice. In the current research on electronic data, most of the researches focus on the proof ability of electronic data, but the research on the proof power of electronic data is less. At present, the rules on electronic data in the system of litigation evidence in our country are relatively simple, scattered and conflicting. The diversity, openness and dependence of electronic data make it difficult to identify the power of proof. In addition, the legislation is not perfect, such as the lack of electronic data certification rules of the corresponding provisions, judicial interpretation of the relevant provisions are relatively general. Lack of judicial practice, judicial staff generally lack of high-tech information knowledge, the identification of the relevant institutions are not perfect, difficult to determine the identity of the actual operator, and so on; These problems caused by legislation, judicial practice and the characteristics of electronic data make the proof of electronic data low, which will affect the efficiency of litigation and the realization of the purpose of litigation. This paper is divided into four parts to study the power of proof of electronic data: the first part is to sort out the basic theory of the power of proof of electronic data, and analyze its meaning and the connotation and characteristics of the power of proof of evidence. This paper expounds that the proof of electronic data should be based on the degree of relevance, reliability and integrity of electronic data. The second part is the analysis of the current situation and existing problems of electronic data proving power in China, from the aspects of legislation, judicature, electronic data characteristics, to analyze the existing problems of electronic data proof power in our country. The third part is an investigation on the legislation of the power of proof of electronic data abroad. Through the comparative analysis of the common law system, the civil law system and the two legal systems, it is enlightening to improve the power of proof in our country. The fourth part puts forward the way to improve the proof power of electronic data in our country, and puts forward the method of perfecting the power of proof of electronic data from the aspects of its identification rules, preservation system and the introduction of expert assistant.


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