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发布时间:2018-11-12 09:04
【摘要】:刑讯逼供自古有之,,它不仅侵害公民的人身权利,同时容易引发错案的滋生,损害司法机关的公正形象,践踏宪法和法律权威。本文立足于打击刑讯逼供的客观需要,通过剖析刑讯逼供的现实危害性,并且从历史原因、司法人员的法治理念原因、法律制度原因三方面分析刑讯逼供产生的原因,从而为遏制刑讯逼供提出法律建议及相关措施。 本文共由三个部分组成,第一个部分是从刑讯逼供的概念、刑讯逼供罪的犯罪构成要件以及立法特征、我国刑讯逼供的历史以及刑讯逼供的现实危害性,对刑讯逼供进行总体的论述。具体来讲,首先论述刑讯逼供的概念,接着阐述我国刑法关于刑讯逼供罪的法律规定以及立法特征,通过探讨刑讯逼供罪的三项立法特征即特殊的犯罪主体、特定的犯罪对象、具有概括性的行为方式,该部分为论文第二部分中“刑讯逼供罪法条本身设计的缺陷与不足”的论述做铺垫,并且从刑讯逼供罪的犯罪构成对该罪进行法律分析,然后阐述我国刑讯逼供的历史,并且按照发展的脉络引出刑讯逼供的司法现状与现实危害性。第二部分和第三部分是本文的重心,其中,第二部分从历史原因、司法人员的法治理念原因、法律制度原因三方面剖析刑讯逼供产生的原因,为论文第三部分“遏制对策”提供理论和实践依据。第三部分是论文的对策部分,笔者建议从树立人权保障理念和程序正义观念,健全遏制刑讯逼供的法律制度两方面入手,为遏制刑讯逼供提出对策,最后得出结论:遏制刑讯逼供是一项繁杂的系统工程,需要我们不断努力和探索,完善相关立法,建立可行的法律运作机制,提高执法人员水平,树立保障人权的法制观念,做到实体正义与程序正义并重,树立司法威严,提高司法效率。
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture since ancient times not only infringes on citizens' personal rights, but also easily leads to the breeding of wrong cases, damages the justice image of judicial organs and tramples on the constitutional and legal authority. Based on the objective need of cracking down on extorting confessions by torture, this paper analyzes the actual harmfulness of extorting confessions by torture, and analyzes the causes of extorting confessions by torture from three aspects: the historical reasons, the reasons of judicial personnel's concept of rule of law, the reasons of legal system, and the reasons of extorting confessions by torture. Thus, legal suggestions and relevant measures are put forward to curb the extortion of confessions by torture. The first part is from the concept of extorting confessions by torture, the elements of the crime of extorting confessions by torture and the legislative characteristics, the history of extorting confessions by torture in China and the practical harmfulness of extorting confessions by torture. A general discussion of extorting confessions by torture. Specifically speaking, the concept of extorting confessions by torture is discussed first, and then the legal provisions and legislative features of the crime of extorting confessions by torture in criminal law of our country are expounded. By discussing the three legislative characteristics of the crime of extorting confessions by torture, namely, the special subject of crime and the specific object of crime, This part paves the way for the discussion of "the defect and insufficiency of the law of extorting confessions by torture itself" in the second part of the thesis, and analyzes the crime from the criminal constitution of the crime of extorting confessions by torture. Then the history of extorting confessions by torture in our country is expounded, and the judicial status and practical harmfulness of extorting confessions by torture are deduced according to the developing context. The second part is the focus of this paper. The second part analyzes the reasons of extorting confessions by torture from three aspects: historical reasons, the reasons of judicial personnel's legal concept, the reasons of legal system, and the reasons of extorting confessions by torture. It provides theoretical and practical basis for the third part of the paper, containment countermeasures. The third part is the countermeasure part of the thesis, the author proposes to set up the concept of human rights guarantee and the concept of procedural justice, perfect the legal system of restraining the extortion of confessions by torture, and put forward countermeasures to curb the extortion of confessions by torture. Finally, it is concluded that curbing the extortion by torture is a complicated and systematic project, which requires us to make continuous efforts and exploration, to perfect the relevant legislation, to establish a feasible legal operation mechanism, to raise the level of law enforcement personnel, and to establish the legal concept of protecting human rights. We should pay equal attention to substantive justice and procedural justice, establish judicial authority and improve judicial efficiency.


相关期刊论文 前1条

1 姜雪;;刑讯逼供的原因及控制[J];法制与社会;2015年09期




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