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发布时间:2018-11-12 15:24
【摘要】:烟草专卖行政处罚程序是指在我国烟草专卖制度下,烟草专卖行政主管部门实施行政处罚行为时必须遵循的方式、顺序、步骤和时限等行为过程的总和。随着一系列行政程序相关法律规范的出台,烟草专卖行政处罚程序也在不断地规范与完善。一般来说,程序的合理设置和有效实施,,具有如下三种作用,一是监督和控制行政权力,有利于防止权力滥用;二是赋予相对人救济权与监督权,进一步保障公民权利,维护社会公共利益。三是对行政活动的方式、时限等进行法律规定和要求,有效督促行政机关提高行政效率。因此,合理设置烟草专卖行政处罚程序并促使其在执法实践中得到有效实施,对规范烟草专卖行政执法行为、规范烟草行业经济秩序运行、增加国家利税都起着非常重要的作用。 本文从烟草专卖行政处罚程序的现状入手,通过发现问题、提出并分析问题、解决问题的思路来分析探讨,进一步提出完善、改进我国烟草专卖行政处罚程序的对策。全文共分三部分并引言和结语。在第一部分中,通过介绍烟草专卖行政处罚程序及其相关理论,借鉴、吸收行政处罚、行政处罚程序、烟草专卖行政执法研究的成果,从行政处罚、行政程序等概念推导出来我国烟草专卖行政处罚程序的概念,以此为基点,针对烟草专卖行政处罚程序与其他处罚程序及其他实体概念的区别简要阐述了我国烟草专卖行政处罚程序的特征。在第二部分中,基于上述一般理论的研究基础,结合烟草专卖行政处罚实践工作,从立法、执法、法律监督三个方面进行现状分析和反思,逐步找出现行烟草专卖行政处罚程序普遍存在的问题:立法上:管辖制度职权分工界限不明,力量涣散;部分法律规定模糊,实践操作性不强;证据立法的相对滞后等,执法实践中:执法权限受限制;调查取证程序执行不当;履行告知义务不规范;听证程序流于形式;补充立案的情况普遍存在;滥用自由裁量权的现象依然存在;存在案件录入整体流程一手包办的情形等。监督上:内部监督流于形式,外部监督机制缺乏等。并对这些问题一一进行了分析阐释。在第三部分中,笔者针对存在的问题从立法、执法、监督三个角度提出完善和改进烟草专卖行政处罚程序的对策:健全和完善相关法律法规;加强执法队伍建设,严格执行法定处罚程序;强化烟草专卖行政处罚程序的执法监督。
[Abstract]:The administrative punishment procedure of tobacco monopoly refers to the sum of the behavior processes such as manner, order, step and time limit that the administrative department of tobacco monopoly must follow when implementing administrative punishment under the tobacco monopoly system of our country. With the introduction of a series of laws and regulations related to administrative procedures, tobacco monopoly administrative punishment procedures are constantly standardized and improved. Generally speaking, the reasonable setting and effective implementation of procedure have the following three functions: one is to supervise and control administrative power, which is helpful to prevent abuse of power; The other is to give the relative person the right to relief and supervision, to further protect the civil rights and to safeguard the public interest. Third, the mode of administrative activities, time limits and other legal provisions and requirements, effectively urge administrative organs to improve administrative efficiency. Therefore, we should set up the administrative punishment procedure of tobacco monopoly reasonably and urge it to be carried out effectively in the practice of enforcing the law, to standardize the administrative law enforcement behavior of tobacco monopoly, and to standardize the economic order of tobacco industry. Increasing national profits and taxes all play a very important role. This article starts with the present situation of the administrative punishment procedure of tobacco monopoly, through the discovery of the problem, puts forward and analyzes the problem, solves the problem train of thought to analyze and discuss, further proposes the consummation, the improvement tobacco monopoly administrative punishment procedure countermeasure. The full text is divided into three parts and introduction and conclusion. In the first part, through the introduction of tobacco monopoly administrative punishment procedures and related theories, learn from, absorb administrative penalties, administrative punishment procedures, tobacco monopoly administrative law enforcement results, from the administrative penalties, The concept of administrative penalty procedure for tobacco monopoly in China is deduced from the concept of administrative procedure, which is the basis of the concept. Aiming at the difference between administrative penalty procedure of tobacco monopoly and other punishment procedure and other entity concept, the characteristics of administrative penalty procedure of tobacco monopoly in China are briefly expounded. In the second part, based on the research basis of the above general theory, combined with the practice of tobacco monopoly administrative punishment, from the legislation, law enforcement, legal supervision three aspects of the status quo analysis and reflection, Gradually to find out the current tobacco monopoly administrative punishment procedures generally exist problems: legislation: jurisdiction system division of power division of labor boundaries are unclear, lax power; Some laws and regulations are vague and the practice is not strong; the relative lag of evidence legislation and so on. In the practice of law enforcement: the power of law enforcement is restricted; the procedure of investigation and collection of evidence is not executed properly; the obligation of informing is not standardized; the procedure of hearing is a mere formality; The situation of supplementary filing exists generally; the phenomenon of abusing discretion still exists; the case is entered into the whole process with one hand and so on. Supervision: internal supervision is a mere formality, and external supervision mechanism is lacking. These problems are analyzed and explained one by one. In the third part, the author puts forward the countermeasures of perfecting and improving the administrative punishment procedure of tobacco monopoly from the aspects of legislation, law enforcement and supervision: perfecting and perfecting the relevant laws and regulations; Strengthen the construction of the law enforcement team, strictly enforce the legal punishment procedure, and strengthen the law enforcement supervision of the tobacco monopoly administrative punishment procedure.


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