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发布时间:2018-11-14 14:48
【摘要】:未成年人是民族的未来,国家的希望,但由于未成年人心智不成熟,容易受到外界因素的影响而误入犯罪的歧途,,世界各国都十分重视并积极寻求预防控制未成年人犯罪。新刑诉法的出台,为预防和控制未成年人犯罪,保障未成年人权利方面迈出了巨大的一步。但未成年人诉讼制度还需进一步完善,尤其是未成年人起诉阶段的权利保护、证据适用、以及如何适用不起诉制度都还需亟待完善。笔者在此对以上几个方面进行了着重分析研究,对未成年人起诉程序中存在的问题和不足发表了自己的看法,并提出了完善意见。 本论又分为四个小部分:第一部分对未成年人犯罪案件审查起诉程序做了一个概述了解,对未成年人犯罪案件起诉程序的含义、特点、原则等做了详细的分析;第二部分对我国未成年犯罪嫌疑人在审查起诉程序中的诉讼权利及在诉讼中如何保障未成年人的权利做了阐述;第三部分则是通过分析未成年犯罪嫌疑人在审查起诉程序中如何收集证据、收集哪些证据以及这些证据如何进行运用,以达到最大化的保护教育挽救未成年人。第四部分笔者分析了在未成年人犯罪起诉过程中适用不起诉制度的相关问题。结语部分则是对全文进行总结,并进一步指出在未成年人犯罪起诉过程中教育、惩罚、挽救未成年人的重要意义。
[Abstract]:The minors are the future of the nation and the hope of the country. However, because the minors are not mature and easily influenced by the external factors, they fall into the wrong way of committing crimes. The countries all over the world attach great importance to and actively seek to prevent and control juvenile delinquency. The introduction of the new Criminal procedure Law has taken a great step in preventing and controlling juvenile delinquency and safeguarding the rights of minors. However, the minor litigation system needs to be further improved, especially the protection of the rights of minors in the stage of prosecution, the application of evidence, and how to apply the system of non-prosecution all need to be improved urgently. In this paper, the author focuses on the analysis of the above aspects, and puts forward his own views on the problems and deficiencies in the procedure of minors' prosecution, and puts forward some suggestions for perfection. This theory is divided into four small parts: the first part of the review and prosecution of juvenile delinquency cases to do a general understanding of the process of juvenile delinquency prosecution procedures for the meaning, characteristics, principles and so on to do a detailed analysis; In the second part, the author expounds the procedural rights of the juvenile suspects in the process of reviewing and prosecuting and how to protect the rights of the minors in the proceedings. The third part is through the analysis of juvenile criminal suspects in the examination and prosecution process how to collect evidence, which evidence and how to use these evidence, in order to maximize the protection of education to save minors. In the fourth part, the author analyzes the related problems of applying non-prosecution system in the process of juvenile crime prosecution. The conclusion is a summary of the full text, and further points out the importance of education, punishment and rescue of minors in the process of prosecution of juvenile delinquency.


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