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发布时间:2018-11-16 16:07
[Abstract]:The death penalty review procedure is a kind of special trial procedure. In the special chapter of Criminal procedure Law, our country has stipulated the concrete operation standard of this procedure in detail, which has played an important role in ensuring the accuracy of the death penalty judgment result. After the execution of the death penalty, it is very difficult to correct it. Therefore, this procedure should have the necessary seriousness and particularity. The law has given it a status equal to that of the first instance procedure and the second instance procedure. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the proper application of the death penalty as the "Magino line of defense." Procuratorial organ is an important legal supervision organ, which plays an indispensable role in protecting human rights and safeguarding social fairness and justice. However, at present, the defects of criminal legislation and criminal judicature in our country seriously limit the function of procuratorial supervision in the procedure of death penalty review, which leads to the "shelving" of inspection and supervision. This paper is supported by the detailed knowledge of law, and the author's rational thinking on the value of the procuratorial supervision system is the starting point. By using the methods of literature analysis and other research methods, this paper explores the practical factors that restrict the procuratorial organs from performing the relevant supervisory functions effectively in the death penalty review procedure, and puts forward some pertinent suggestions accordingly. For example, in the Criminal procedure Law, the procuratorial organ's supervisory power over this procedure is further clarified, and the trial form of the case is adjusted to provide the possibility for procuratorial supervision. The purpose is to further enrich the relevant laws and regulations on procuratorial supervision in criminal proceedings. At the same time, we should improve the relevant mechanisms of procuratorial supervision, in particular the establishment and improvement of the procuratorial intervention system of the collegial panel for interrogation and review of the accused and the information notification system of the death penalty review cases between the law and the procurators, with a view to helping to ensure the accuracy of the execution of the death penalty. To realize the purpose of the Constitution concerning the protection of human rights. The author thinks that the procuratorial organ plays a very important role in the procedure of death penalty review. The transparency of the procedure can be enhanced through both internal and external supervision, and the correctness of the application of the death penalty can be ensured.


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